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Selectboard Minutes 2003/11/19
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 19 November 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:04 AM.  Allan Newton, Dick Jones and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Patty Jenks (Town Clerk) and Steve & Tiffany Williams attended parts of the meeting.  Site visits included Elise Garrity (Selectmen’s Clerk), Cora Emlen, Adair Mulligan and Darlene Godoy (Alden Inn) but not Carole Bont.
2.      The minutes of the November 12th meeting were approved as submitted.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      Sherlie and Peter Dayton were assessed a yield tax of $439.72.
b.      The Board approved carrying forward into 2004 56 hours of vacation time for Carole Bont and 32 hours of vacation time for Dina Cutting.
c.      The Septage Disposal Agreement with the Town of Hanover for 2004 was approved and signed.
d.      The Lyme History Committee/Historians Inc. proposal for transferring the Town’s photograph collection to their custody was discussed.  It was agreed that additional guidelines needed to be developed for handling the photographs and that such guidelines might best be promulgated as an attachment to the Lyme History Committee’s charge.
e.      Cynthia Bognolo’s appeal to the ZBA was briefly discussed and it was agreed to make a site visit the Alden Inn’s property as one of the site visits discussed below.
f.      The November 13th draft proposed zoning ordinance amendments were reviewed and discussed.  Dick agreed to work on written comments to be submitted to the Planning Board on several of the proposed changes.
g.      The ongoing saga with DRA over the MS-1 was discussed.  Carole said that it would have to be revised again due to treatment of the barn easements and corrections to the assessed value of one property.  The Board agreed to come in to sign the form as soon as the required changes are completed.
4.      Steve and Tiffany came in to discuss the alleged release of information from the 911 data base by the police department.  Although their telephone number is listed in the “Lyme Phone Book”, it is an unlisted number.  They had heard that the police had given this number out, e.g. used the 911 data base for other than official police business.  Allan agreed to talk to the police chief to emphasize that the 911 data base could only be used for official purposes.  Dick suggested that if they wished to insured their telephone number remained “unlisted” they should ask to Town Clerk to remove it from the “Lyme Phone Book”.
5.      At 10:50 AM the Board conducted the below site visits with Elsie:
a.      Cora Emlen’s barn:  The Board met Cora on her property and jointly inspected her barn at 101 Whipple Hill Road.  The barn appeared to have been converted from “English” to “Yankee” configuration at an early time (probably before the civil war) and recently has had a new roof and footings installed.  Photographs were taken.
b.      Adair Mulligan’s barn:  The Board met Adair on her property and jointly inspected her barn at 175 Dorchester Road.  The 1910 gambrel roofed attached barn has had recent lower level and structural restoration work.  At issue was whether the “connector” should be considered part of the “agricultural structure” or part of the house.  In favor of the later was the fact a “two-holer” was located in the first room off the barn proper in the connector.  Photographs were taken.
c.      Alden Inn’s dog run:  After a brief discussion with Darlene in the Inn, the Board inspected the dog run area adjacent to the Lyme Cash Market (Bognolo) property.  The dog run consisted of a fenced area approximately 8 by 16 feet off the Godoy’s quarters (with a “dog door”) separated from the Bognolo property by a high separate solid wooden fence.  There was no apparent odor nor feces accumulation observed, and the Godoys’ dog did not bark at any time during the site visit.
6.      At 12:25 PM the Board returned to the Town Offices and adjourned.
R. G. Jones