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Selectboard Minutes 2003/11/05 (hearing)
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 05 November 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Allan Newton, Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Cora Emlen, Adair Mulligan, Sally Ramsden, Chris Schonenberger, Jane Fant, Bill Murphy, Tracy Rogers (staff for Sen. Joe Liebermann's campaign), Patty Jenks (Town Clerk), Ruth Bleyler (NH Representative, 17th District), and Sharon Nordgren (NH Representative, 17th District) attended parts of the meeting.

At 9:01 the Board started a public hearing on the two applications received for "discretionary preservation easements for preserving historic agricultural structures."  At 9:20, the Board returned to its regular meeting.

Bill, Jane, Sally, and Chris, representing the Lyme Historical Society, came in to request that the historic pictures of Lyme, currently stored in the Town Office, be turned over to the History Committee and kept at the Academy Building.  After considerable discussion, the History Committee agreed to present a written plan of action that will provide access to the photographs at the Academy Building and the Town Offices, through using scanners to make reproductions or CDs.

The minutes of 22 October 2003 were approved as corrected.

The Board agreed to approve the letter to be sent to CCI, which accepts their design proposal and a limit of $1,060 for the pre-bond architectural design services.

The Board accepted the Parking Study Committee's report and expressed "Thanks" to the members of that committee.  The board will defer action on the recommendations until members have had an opportunity to review and analyze them.

The Board agreed to join the NHRRA and charge the expense to the 4197 account.

The Board agreed to allow the 8th graders to hold a pie sale at the town sheds on a Sunday, subject to coordinating with Al Pryor.

The Board discussed various items pertaining to the Town budget for 2004 to allow Dick to prepare a good working document for the Budget Committee's meeting later in the day.

The meeting adjourned at 11:58 AM.

        Pete Bleyler