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Selectboard Minutes 2003/09/24
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 24 September 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Allan Newton, Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Bill Jakubowski (Connecticut Valley electric Company), Wally Ragan (Emergency Management), and Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/secretary) attended parts of the meeting.

The minutes of September 17, 2003 were approved as corrected.

Bill Jakubowski came in to request approval to install poles and associated conductor wires and anchor guys within the right of way of Preston Hill Road.  The Board approved the request.

Wally Ragan came in to update the Board on the status of 10 separate grants involving Lyme Emergency Services.  It was noted that the $9,700 for Town Planning Grant may not be fully expended by the end of the year.  Near the end of the year, the Board may act to carryover any unused amounts into 2004.

The Board discussed the Selectmen's role in the design and maintenance of dry hydrants.  Though no formal motion was put forward, the Board agreed this was not its responsibility.

The Board authorized Carole Bont to send a letter to obtain more detail on the State's 10-year plan on upgrading guard rails along Route 10 south of Lyme Common.

The Board approved the suggested policy that strangers not be allowed to wander through the Town offices unescorted.

The Board agreed to refund the cemetery fee that Mark Hewes paid for a double lot, since he has over 10 years service as a full-time employee.

The meeting adjourned at 10:32 AM.

        Pete Bleyler