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Selectboard Minutes 2003/09/10
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 10 September 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Allan Newton, Dick Jones, Pete Bleyler, Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant), and Jim Kenyon (columnist from the Valley News) attended the entire meeting.  Fred Stearns (Road Agent) and Patti Jenks (Town Clerk), attended parts of the meeting.

The minutes of September 3, 2003 were approved as amended.

The Board discussed Diana Calder's (Town Assessor) resignation and possible replacements.

The Board agreed to send letters to potential offenders of the weight limit on the River Road covered bridge.

Fred Stearns came in to discuss the turnaround on Post Pond Road needed for snow removal and at the end of Pout Pond Road.  He also discussed with the Board a complaint from Betsy Tamblyn about widening Grafton Turnpike.  The Board will send Ms. Tamblyn a letter pointing out that the Town has  a 49.5 foot right of way to maintain the road.

Board members reported on their various committee assignments.

The Board appointed Wayne Pike and Brian Rich to the Trout Pond Management Area Sub-committee of the Conservation Committee.

The Board discussed the Dean for America group's setting up a table and using a car at the Transfer Station.  Patty Jenks came in to discuss the issues around political campaigning with the Board.  The Board agreed to adopt Police Chief Pauline Field's memo on political advertising as Town Policy, and it is attached as Attachment 1.

The Board approved Thomas and Kathy Green's intent to cut application, the property being on Map 406, lot 15.

The Board denied the current use application of Elliot Novak and Joyce Marr because it did not include a determination of the area of wetlands from a licensed wetland scientist.

The Board approved Paula Prescott's application for buried cable on Culver Hill Road.

The Board approved the building permit of Fred and Catherine King to repair fire damage on their property, Map 409, lot 71.

The Board referred the cost of insurance for the Town bridge to be considered in the 2004 budget.

The Board discussed the article in "New Hampshire Town and city" that states that Budget Committees cannot artificially reduce its budget recommendations by 10%, knowing that the voters can increase the Committee's recommended budget by no more than 10%.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM.

        Pete Bleyler

Approved: September 17, 2003