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Selectboard Minutes 2003/07/23
Town of Lyme - Board of Selectmen
Minutes 23 July 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:05 AM.  Allan Newton and Dick Jones attended the entire meeting.  Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant), Don Elder and Stephen Crary attended parts of the meeting.
2.      The minutes of 16 July were approved as submitted.
3.      Don came in to update the Board on 911.  The state is taking over its management from Verizon and wants each town to designate its 911 contacts.  The Board appointed Don Elder as the primary and Linda Goodrich as the secondary Lyme 911 representative/point of contact.
4.      The Board discussed the beaver dam on Clay Brook/Post Pond and what action should and/or should not be taken regarding controlling the beavers and/or their dam(s)/lodge(s).  Dick made and Allan seconded the following motion which was passed unanimously:
The Board of Selectmen hereby rescinds any and all permission(s) that may have been granted in the past to any and all individuals or other entities to destroy beaver and or destroy or disturb or interfere in any manner with the dams or houses of beaver on land either owned by or controlled by the Town of Lyme.  In the case of beavers, their dams and/or houses located on land managed by the Conservation Commission, any future permission(s) may only be granted by said Commission after holding a properly noticed public hearing and in accordance with regulations promulgated by the NH Wetlands Board.
5.      The following administrative maters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a)      The use of the Common on 2 August from 4:00 to 6:00 PM for a “good by” to Shaun O’Keefe as a Lyme police officer was approved.
b)      The contract with the Town of Hanover for ambulance services for 7/1/2003 to 6/30/2004 was approved and signed.
c)      The processing of discretionary historic agricultural buildings’ easements was discussed, and it was concluded to send the drafted easements to the first three applicants (with a cover letter), request the applicants to approve and return them with a check (payable to the registry of deeds) for the estimated recording fee, and the Board would then accept and record the easements.
d)      A list of the outstanding grant requests was reviewed and briefly discussed.
e)      The first half financial results were reviewed and approved for distribution to the Budget Committee in preparation for next week’s joint meeting.
6.      Stephen Crary came in to discuss the status of the current use on his property in light of letters received from the Town and his pending subdivision.  The issues involved were discussed, and Carole worked with him to resolve them.
7.      The meeting adjourned at 10:38 AM.
R. G. Jones, Recorder