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Selectboard Minutes 2003/07/16

Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 16 July 2003

1)      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Dick Jones, Allan Newton, Pete Bleyler, and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting. Josh Adams (Spectator), Dina Cutting, Jody Rich, JJ Pippin, Paul Barker, Judy Barker, Pauline Field (Chief of Police), and Fred Steams (Road Agent) attended parts of the meeting.

2)      The Board approved changes to the June 4 and June 25 minutes to correct the inadvertent error in describing the approved reduction in assessments of the structures under the historic bam preservation act.

3)      Paul and Judy Barker, owners of Loch Lyme Lodge, came in to discuss the destruction of the beaver dam on Post Pond. Key issues discussed included the optimal level of the lake -- and the difference in opinion on this, and "who, when, where, and how" the level is lowered. Allan Newton stressed that the Board wants Loch Lyme Lodge to be able to function as a business; yet, there are other issues that need to be considered when any action is taken to affect the level of the pond. Dick Jones offered the following motion: "In light of RSA 210:9 'Protection of Beaver' as amended in 1996, I move that The Board of Selectmen hereby rescinds any and all pem1ission(s) that may have been granted in the past to any and all individuals or other entities to destroy beaver and or destroy or disturb or interfere in any manner with the dams or houses of beaver on land either owned by or controlled by the Town of Lyme." This motion was not seconded. Allan made a motion that Loch Lyme Lodge notify the Selectmen when business interests dictate the need to adjust the level of water before taking such action. Pete seconded the motion which was passed, and the Barkers indicated they would comply. It was noted that this does not satisfy the issues, and further study and discussion is needed. The Board will seek legal advice on how to proceed with meeting the various environment and conservation issues, needs and interests of all land owners, and the Town of Lyme.

4)      Dina Cutting, Jody Rich, and JJ Pippin came in to report on the 4th of July celebration. They will probably end up in a "break even" situation, and expect to be self-sustaining in the future. They will schedule a meeting with Chief Field to discuss some issues that arose during the parade.

5)      The Board gave blanket approval to the Alden Inn to serve liquor on their premises in accordance with State liquor laws, since they have a liquor license (#355602).

6)      The minutes of the 9 July 2003 regular meeting and public hearing were approved.

7)      Barn application: After discussion and review of the checklist and photographs taken at the site visit, the Board agreed to acquire a discretionary preservation easement from Stephen and Paula Small in accordance with RSA 79-D:5. The abatement shall be 50% of the full value assessment in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.

8)      The Board appointed Patty Jenks (Town Clerk) to the Safety Committee, replacing Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator) who submitted her resignation.

9)      The Board discussed Michelle Couture's Pond Program Reports and asked Pete to have the Recreation Commission address the various issues raised.

10)     Fred Steams came in to discuss one or more incidents of vandalism and potentially dangerous activities involving teenagers riding bikes in the Town Garage and Transfer Station. Dick Jones will speak to Police Chief Field about this issue.

11)     Pete reported that he will schedule the first meeting of the Parking Study Committee    for Wednesday, July 30, at 3:00 PM.

12)     The Board approved the lot line adjustment affecting property owned by Frances P. Lee Trust and the Town of Lyme.

13)     The Board discussed the Hewitt request for a Conservation Easement. The Board decided to wait until it is clear the easement will meet all the zoning requirements.

14)     The Board denied the request by NH Arc View User Group to use the Academy Building for a workshop.

15)     The Board recessed at 11:30, and reconvened at 10:08 AM on Thursday, July 17.

16)     The Board discussed various topics with Chief Field and adjourned at 11: 12 AM.

Pete Bleyler