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Selectboard Minutes 2003/06/25
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 25 June 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, and Allan Newton attended the entire meeting.  Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant), Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/secretary), Tom Morrissey, Paul Barker, Cathy Cramer (Chair, Recreation Commission), Emily Bryant, Bill LaBombard (Sexton), Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator), and Betty Lee attended parts of the meeting.

Post Pond Road:  Tom Morrissey came in to discuss his request to conduct incidental maintenance at the end of Post Pond Road.  The relocation would allow an area for the Town's snowplowing truck to push snow and turn around without disturbing a nearby septic system. The Board agreed to have this incidental maintenance part of Post Pond Lane relocated at Morrissey's expense..

Beaver dam and Post Pond water level:  Paul Barker came in to discuss the dismantling of the beaver dam recently which caused the pond's water level to drop almost two feet.  The Board agreed to obtain legal counsel opinion on how to regulate the water level in the pond, including who does it and when it occurs.

Recreation Commission:  Cathy Cramer came in to discuss some issues relative to the Recreation Commission.

Appointments:  The Board appointed Tor Tosteson to the Recreation Commission for a three-year term, and Stephen Giger to the Parking Study Committee.

The minutes for the June 18 regular meeting and Public Hearing were approved.

The Board approved the Notice of Intent to Cut by Robin and Shirlie Dayton, on Lot 80, Map 410.

Horse caution sign:  Emily Bryant came in to request approval of placing a "horse caution" sign on Orfordville Road, just north of its intersection with Pinnacle Road.  The Board approved the placing of a standard road sign for this purpose, subject to coordination with Road Agent Fred Stearns.  Private funds would be used to purchase and install the sign.

Tires:  Dina came in to discuss the fee schedule for large tires at the transfer station.  After discussion on the cost to the Town of disposing of huge tires, the Board agreed to prohibit accepting tires other than those from passenger, panel, and pickup vehicles.

Fireworks:  Dina discussed the reasons for moving the fireworks launch area to the boat landing at Post Pond.  Doing this will necessitate closing the landing and restricting parking when the explosives arrive, estimated to be 1:00 PM on July 5.  The Board agreed to taking the necessary steps to comply with state safety rules.

Betty Lee came in to discuss the police officer candidate who did not pass the professional background investigation.

DOT Physicals:  The Board agreed that the Town should not pay for Department of Transportation physicals since it's not a requirement of the Town.

Lifeguards:  Dina came in to express concern that the Town has lifeguards working at the Beach who have not submitted the proper credentials.  The Board agreed that:
A person cannot be hired as a lifeguard until they present evidence of certification as a lifeguard and CPR training.
A person may not work as a lifeguard nor be paid until all Town forms are completed and certifications are on file.

Barn Applications:  After discussion and review of the checklists, the Board made the following decisions on the three applications submitted by John and Marcia Armstrong and discussed at the Public Hearing held 18 June 2003:
"Creamery": The Board agreed to acquire a discretionary preservation easement in accordance with RSA 79-D:5; and the abatement shall be 25% of the full value assessment in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.
"Barn": The Board agreed to acquire a discretionary preservation easement in accordance with RSA 79-D:5; and the abatment shall be 70% of the full value assessment in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.
"Shed" (at corner of Rt. 10 and Pinnacle Road): The Board agreed to acquire a discretionary preservation easement in accordance with RSA 79-D:5; and the Assessment shall be 25% of the full value abatement in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.

Non-profit tax exemptions:  After discussion, the Board agreed to the tax exemptions as shown on the attachment.

The Board agreed to a $50 donation to the Lymphoma Association and $50 to the Humane Society in memory of Fred Stearns, Jr.  The funds will be taken from the Selectmen's miscellaneous line.

The Board agreed not to use Town money to buy stakes, etc. for money making events (e.g., Boy Scouts flea market) held on the Common.

The meeting adjourned at 11:55 AM.                              

        Pete Bleyler
        Map     Lot     Address Description     Assessed $
        2002 Taxes      2002 Taxes      2003
        Without an Exemption    With Exemption granted

American Legion: *
        201     94.0200 4 John Thompson Way     legion hall     $78,200
                $1,860.38               $0.00   exempt

Appalachian Trail Conference:
        420     2       511 Dorchester Road     98 acres        $122,500
                $2,914.28               $0.00   exempt

Benedictine Congregation:
        414     9       60 Pout Pond Lane       48.5 acres      $5,471
                $130.16         $130.16 taxable

        414     27      44 Flint Hill Road      farm    $354,400
                $8,431.18               $0.00   exempt

Connecticut River Watershed Council:
        415     12      44 Hardscrabble Lane    145 acres       $8,669
                $206.24         $206.24 exempt

CrossRoads Academy:
        401     55.1234 85 Dartmouth Col. Hwy   school  $999,400
                $23,775.73              $0.00   exempt

        401     56      101 Dartmouth Col. Hwy  135 acres       $318,100
                $7,567.60               $0.00   exempt

Dartmouth College:
        414     49.0002 370 Dorchester Road     13.226 acres    $736
                $17.51          $17.51  taxable

        414     58.0001 39 Grafton Turnpike     lifts/trails    $995,536
                $23,683.80              $23,683.80      taxable

        414     58.0002 39 Grafton Turnpike     lifts/trails    $2,739,600
                $65,175.08              $0.00   exempt

        414     61.1001 40 Grafton Turnpike     Skiway lodge    $100,000
                $2,379.00               $2,379.00       taxable

        414     61.1002 40 Grafton Turnpike     Skiway lodge    $459,600
                $10,933.88              $0.00   exempt

First Baptist Church:
        409     14      177 Dorchester Road     church/vestry   $282,100
                $6,711.16               $0.00   exempt

        420     26      29 Pout Pond Lane       61 acres        $3,192
                $75.94          $75.94  taxable

Lyme Congregational Church:
        201     54      21 Union Street parsonage       $248,200
                $5,904.68               $0.00   exempt

        201     93.0200 6 John Thompson Way     horse sheds     $29,500
                $701.81         $0.00   exempt

        201     95      1 Dorchester Road       church  $441,500
                $10,503.29              $0.00   exempt

        201     96      5 Dorchester Road       Lyme House      $110,100
                $2,619.28               $0.00   exempt

        403     2       304 Dartmouth Col. Hwy  13.9 acres      $1,267
                $30.14          $30.14  taxable

Montshire Museum of Science:
        405     40      748 River Road  7 acres $10,500
                $249.80         $0.00   exempt

Society for Preservation of NH Forests:
**      401     5       54 Goodell Lane 23.11 acres     $1,400
                $33.31          $33.31  exempt

**      401     6       42 Goodell Lane 104.74 acres    $9,600
                $228.38         $228.38 exempt

        401     12      65 Goodell Lane 81.63 acres     $3,543
                $84.29          $84.29  exempt

        401     70      20 River Road   63.721 acres    $5,413
                $128.78         $128.78 exempt

United Developmental Services:
        408     25      16 Orford Road  health facility $798,400
                $18,993.94              $0.00   exempt

Upper Valley Land Trust:
        201     47      18 Union Street 12.82 acres     $389
                $9.25           $9.25   exempt

        402     54      183 Dartmouth Col. Hwy  37.3 acres      $46,600
                $1,108.61               $0.00   exempt

        402     57      215 Dartmouth Col. Hwy  122.4 acres     $10,297
                $244.97         $244.97 exempt

        402     59      223 Dartmouth Col. Hwy  3.30 acres      $54,500
                $1,296.56               $0.00   exempt

**      402     72      240 River Road  58 acres        $150,700
                $3,585.15               $3,585.15       exempt

        407     26      50 Post Pond Lane       4.2 acres       $5,300
                $126.09         $0.00   exempt

Notes:  *       The American Legion is tax exempt by NH statute
        **      New owner for 2003