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Selectboard Minutes 2003/06/11
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 11 June 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting. Pat Simmons, Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/secretary), Mary Murray (Reporter from the Spectator) Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Coordinator), Adair Mulligan, Diana Calder (Town Assessor), and Tish Smith (Chair, Library Trustees) attended parts of the meeting.

Town of Lyme web-site.  Pat Simmons came in to discuss a proposal to develop an official Town of Lyme internet site.  After an in depth discussion of various issues, including the feasibility of having businesses sponsor and pay for the site, Pat left a package of materials for the Selectmen to review in further detail.

Tree gift.  Adair Mulligan came in to discuss the proposed gift to the Town from the Lyme 8th graders.  The proposed gift is a red oak tree that would be placed along Dorchester Road at the eastern end of the Lyme Center Academy property.  Don Elder, Sally Ramsden, and the property abutters are all aware of the proposed gift and have no objections.  The Selectmen approved the proposed gift, subject to placing the tree where it would not interfere with future changes in the driveway for safety purposes.

The minutes for 4 June were approved as amended.

Selectmen's Assignments.  
Police Chief Field has two candidates for the open officer position and is in the process of conducting a background check on one of these candidates.
Hews bridge contract: we have approximately $10,000 in the bridge fund that can be used for the $14,000 required to make the necessary repairs.  Block grant funding will take care of the remaining $4,000.  The Selectmen signed the contract authorizing the work.

Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator) came in to provide an update on the Bayne Stephenson situation.  She had asked the prosecutor to put a hold on the "cease and desist" order until she'd had an opportunity to visit the property in question.  At her inspection on Tuesday, June 10, Vickie reported that it appears construction has exceeded what was approved in the permit.  Accordingly, the Selectmen directed her reinstate the request for a "cease and desist" order.

Pete moved, and Dick seconded, to go into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(e) to discuss pending litigation against the Town or Town Officials, Board Members or employees.  Each member of the Selectboard agreed.  The non-public session commenced at 10:04, and the Selectmen returned to public session at 10:29.

Sporting Event Conduct Policy.  Attorney Charles Bauer recommended that the Lyme Select Board adopt a Sporting Event Conduct Policy for the Town.  Pete reported that the Recreation Commission had considered the draft policy at its May 19 meeting, but had not acted on it.  The commission wanted to wait until Steve Small (Recreation Director) had discussed this with the Upper Valley Recreation Association.  The Selectmen agreed that Pete would inform the Recreation Commission at its June meeting its plan to adopt the policy.

Trailer from Government Surplus.  The Selectmen voted to require the Fire Department (custodian of the trailer) to either move it from private property to town property by Friday, June 13, or return it to Government Surplus in Concord the following week.

Old tires.  The Selectmen voted to require the following fees for disposing of tires:  $2.00 for tires without rims and $5.00 for tires with rims.

Personnel Policies.  A letter from Attorney Tim Bates recommended a series of changes in the Town's Personnel Policies.  A copy was given to Dick Jones to incorporate with other possible revisions in the policies, for discussion with the Budget Committee in July.

Tax abatements.  The Selectmen voted to approve tax abatements as recommended by Assessor Diana Calder: $87,100 for Lewis, $111,400 for Hewitt, $48,800 for Hano, and $36,100 for Fisher.

Historic Barn Preservation.  Assessor Diana Calder came in to report that the Sears and Weins barns had not received building permits for the improvements that had been completed prior to the Selectmen's site visits.  Accordingly, the Selectmen confirmed that the tax abatements agreed to at the 4 June 2003 meeting would be based on revised assessments made as of April 1, 2003.

Electrical Issues.  Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/Secretary) and Trish Smith (Chair of the Library Trustees) came in to discuss the electrical problems that are playing havoc with the Town's computers and software.  Lyme Electric has provided an estimated cost of $1,200 to make the necessary repairs.  The Selectmen asked Staff to review the budget to see how much of this expense the Select Board can allocate from the town budget.

Travis bench.  The Selectmen voted to approve the placing of a bench dedicated to Happy and Willard Travis on the Common, subject to consultation with Sexton Bill LaBombard.

The meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.

        Pete Bleyler