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Selectboard Minutes 2003/06/04
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 4 June 2003

Approved:  11 June 2003
Revised:  16 July 2003

The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting. JJ Pippin, Dina Cutting (Bookkeeper/secretary), Betsy Eaton (Librarian), Pauline Field (Police Chief), Doug Holler (Dartmouth Skiway Manager), Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Coordinator) and Wally Ragan (Emergency Management Coordinator) attended parts of the meeting.

Independence Day Committee.  JJ Pippin and Dina Cutting discussed plans for the 4th of July celebration.  The parade starts at 5:00 PM and the BBQ at Post Pond begins at 6:00 PM.  They met with Police Chief Field to discuss security; two adults will help out with parade traffic, and kids will direct traffic at Post Pond. The Church newsletter will tell where children should meet the parade and where parents will pick them up.  Rick and Susan Pond are the parade coordinators.  The Selectmen signed the contract for the Fireworks, and agreed that the cost of an extra policeman is a town expense, not an Independence Day expense.  A financial report will be submitted to the Selectboard after the event.

The minutes for 28 May were approved as amended.

Parking Study Committee.  Pete reported that the following have agreed to be members of the Committee: Dina Cutting (representing Town employees), Betsy Eaton (representing the Library), Gerry Clancy (representing the School), Gary Thrasher (representing the Church), Earl Strout (resident), Wayne Pike (representing Dowd's Inn and other property on the Common), and Pauline Field (Police Chief).  Pete was unable to contact anyone from the Condos; Allan agreed to contact the son/grandson of Dorothy Edson.  The revised Charge to the Parking Study Committee was approved, and Pete was appointed as the ex officio member from the Selectboard.

Grants.  Wally Ragan came in to discuss various issues with emergency management, including requests and approvals for/of grants.  Lyme has been awarded a $9,700 grant for updating the local all-hazard operations plan.  Another grant, which provides support to the Town's local emergency management plan, has a maximum grant value of $5,000 and requires a 25% matching contribution from the Town ($1,667).  The matching contribution can be provided in cash or in-kind.  An application for Homeland Security in the amount of $3,918 was submitted.   Allan requested that the Selectboard be furnished hard copy of all grants and grant applications.

Reports on Selectmen's assignments.
Conservation: Trail work will commence on Saturday, June 7.
Public Works: Transfer station is still an issue.  The Selectmen agreed to direct the Public Works Committee to appoint a sub-committee to deal with the Transfer Station.  Additional members for this sub-committee can be appointed.
Recreation Commission: the water supply at the Rec. Area was damaged during the winter.
Safety Committee: There was a near accident at the corner of River and Gregory Roads.  The Selectmen decided to direct Fred Stearns (Road Agent) to install a Stop Sign on Gregory Road.  It was also reported that Roy Daisy, the Animal Control Officer (shared by Orford and Lyme), has no protective equipment.  The Selectmen directed Police Chief Field to obtain a list of equipment that Roy needs, to prioritize them, and to obtain cost estimates.

Library Cross-walk.  Betsy Eaton and Police Chief Field discussed the need for a handicap-assessable cross walk between the School and the Library.  Dick pointed out that no funds had been requested at Town Meeting; therefore, there was nothing in the budget for the expense.  Betsy was requested to furnish a sketch of what was wanted, and Allan indicated he would get Fred Stearns to obtain cost estimates.

Dartmouth Skiway.  Doug Holler, Dartmouth Skiway Manager, came in to discuss several issues.
The College will establish a firm midnight curfew on all events held at the Skiway Lodge; the Town will no longer be asked to approve extensions of the curfew.  It was pointed out that there is no written documentation that requires the Selectboard to approve any extensions for late night events.  The Skiway will provide an event schedule to the Lyme Police.
Doug wants to investigate putting lights in the Skiway parking lot.  He understands this is a site plan review issue and will have to be taken up with Vickie Davis and the Planning Board.
The pond at the Skiway has been drained, and there was very little sediment.  A permit would be required if the Skiway wanted to dredge the pond, and the Lyme Conservation Commission would also be contacted.
At some point in the future, the Holt's Ledge lift will be moved, and replaced with a quad similar to the Winslow lift.
The Skiway would like to continue offering the Lodge as an emergency shelter.

Vickie Davis came in to discuss Bayne Stephenson's building permit.  Diana Calder, Lyme's Assessing Agent, reported remodeling changes that were beyond what was allowed in the building permit.  The Selectboard voted unanimously to direct Vickie to obtain a Cease and Desist Order.

Barn Applications.  Carole reported that our Assessor, Diana Calder, indicated that she will use the following procedure to determine the assessed value of the land under the historic agricultural structure subject to a possible easement and tax abatement: she will take the percentage that the square footage of the land subject to the easement/tax abatement is of the total land in the parcel, and multiply it by the assessed value of the land.  The Selectboard decided unanimously that any easements obtained would be for 10 years, and would require the owner to maintain the structural integrity of the building for 10 years.  Additionally, the Selectboard agreed unanimously that the square footage used in the easement would include the footprint of the structure plus a five foot buffer.  After further discussion, the Selectboard made the following decisions on the three applications previously submitted and discussed at the Public Hearing held on 30 April 2003:
Dorothy W. Sears, Jr.: The Selectboard agreed unanimously to acquire a discretionary preservation easement in accordance with RSA 79-D:5; and the abatement shall be 50% of the full value assessment in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.
Cynthia Cook Bognolo: The Selectboard agreed unanimously to acquire a discretionary preservation easement in accordance with RSA-D:5; and the abatement shall be 25% of the full value assessment in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.
Janine J. Weins, Trustee of the Louise G. Johnson 1998 Revocable Trust: The Selectboard agreed unanimously to acquire a discretionary preservation easement in accordance with RSA 79-D:5; and the abatement shall be 50% of the full value assessment in accordance with RSA 79-D:7.

Dick moved, and Allan seconded, to go into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, II(e) to discuss pending litigation against the Town or Town Officials, Board Members or employees.  Each member of the Selectboard agreed.  The non-public session commenced at 11:20, and the Selectmen returned to public session at 11:39.

The meeting adjourned at 11:40 AM.

        Pete Bleyler