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Selectboard Minutes 2003/05/28
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 28 May 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  A. Wayne Pike, Pauline Field (Police Chief), Fred Stearns (Road Agent), Mike Hinsley (Fire Chief) and Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Wayne came in to ask permission for Dowd’s to serve alcoholic beverages at receptions and discuss parking.
a)      He said the State liquor regulations require either written permission from the Board or that he fence in the area where alcoholic beverages are served out doors.  The Board agreed to grant the inn permission and requested he contact the State liquor people to see if an annual letter (rather that a letter for each reception) would meet their requirements.
b)      The Board granted permission for the inn to use the Common for limited overflow parking for four receptions this summer.
c)      The general parking in the village area was then discussed.  Wayne agreed to serve on a study committee to examine the parking situation ‘downtown’ and develop recommendations for possible improvements.  The Board agreed that other representation on the committee should include: police, school, 2-residents, library, town offices and Congregational church.  Dick agreed to draft a charge for consideration at the next meeting and Pete to recruit volunteers to serve on the committee.
3.      Pauline came in to advise the Board that the new police cruiser has been received, but that the markings received were incorrect and the new radio has not yet been received.
4.      Fred came in to discuss the grader, this year’s road projects and transfer station issues.
a)      The grader needs to be taken to John Deere for repairs to bad engine seals.  Fred was advised that there are very limited funds available in the ‘major equipment rebuilding trust fund’ to cover these repairs if they are costly.
b)      He requested that the Board send letters requesting bids for this year’s paving projects.  Bids should be requested for Acorn Hill Road and the Grafton Turnpike hot top coating of their new pavement.  Grinding of sections of Goose Pond Road were discussed, but it was felt that staging costs for the grinder would make it more efficient to only grind when more funds would be available.  The Board agreed to have Dick sign letters requesting bids.
c)      Fred felt that highway personnel should not be responsible for enforcing no dumping rules at the transfer station and the Board agreed.  He agreed to keep the chains up after working hours.  Carole will draft a letter for consideration at the next meeting to one person who has caused problems concerning dumping when the transfer station is not open.
5.      The minutes for 14 May were approved as submitted.
6.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a)      Dick moved and Pete seconded a motion to accept the Auditor’s 2002 report.  The motion carried unanimously.
b)      Pete brought up several issues discussed at the Recreation Commission’s first meeting.  Cathy Cramer was elected chair and the Commission thought that their contracting/purchasing authority should be increased.  Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to amend their delegation of authority to increase the Commission’s contracting authority from $500 to $2,000.  The motion carried unanimously.
c)      Scott Veraka’s request for approval to be a state inspection station at the Lyme Garage was approved.
d)      Dina came in to request guidance on paying a bill for a CDL physical.  She said that municipalities were exempt from the requirement to have CDL physicals every two years.  The Board authorized her to pay it from Selectmen funds and felt that the Personnel Policies should be changed to require such physicals.
7.      Mike came in to inform the Board that he was submitting a request for a Homeland Security grant and that the FAST squad’s defibrillator was being upgraded by the manufacturer at no cost to the town.
8.      The meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM.
R. G. Jones