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Selectboard Minutes 2003/04/23
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 23 April 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 1:00 PM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting. Pauline Field (Police Chief) and Fred Stearns (Highway Agent) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Pauline came in to discuss two issues:
a.              The new cruiser is due this Friday and its total cost with a 3-year/75,000 power train warranty was $22,585.  Fully equipping the vehicle will bring the total cost to $30,348 plus shipping.
b.      Our patrol officer has signed a “conditional offer of employment” with Hanover, and Pauline requested permission to place an advertisement for conditional employment in order to start the process for hiring a new officer if we lose our current full-time patrol officer.  The Board granted permission to advertise as long as it is clear that the position is not yet, and may not become, vacant.
3.      Fred came in and the following issues were discussed:
a.              The Edgell Covered Bridge has been re-inspected and the state confirmed that it should be limited to 3 tons and “passenger cars only”.  Allan moved and Pete seconded a motion to establish a 3-ton limit and restrict the bridge to passenger cars.  The motion carried unanimously and Fred will procure and install the necessary signage.
b.              Fred requested permission to hire Scott Bailey as a part-time highway worker to replace his father.  The Board agreed to let Fred offer him a starting pay of $10.50/hour for part-time employment with a probationary period of at least 90 days or until he gets a CDL, which ever is longer.
c.              Fred has had some problems with turn-a-rounds at the ends of several Town roads.  The Board agreed to make a tour with him at the end of its 10 May regular meeting.
4.      The minutes of 16 April were approved with minor corrections.
5.      The following administrative issues were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.              Karen Henry was appointed to the Public Works Facilities Committee to replace Chris Jackson who declined his appointment.
b.              It was agreed that starting 14 May, the Board would return to its regular meeting time of 9:00 AM.
c.              Delegation of authority under RSA 35-B:3 to the Recreation Commission was discussed.  It was decided to delegate the powers listed in the statute with the exception that the authority to acquire, hold and dispose of property be limited to personal property, and contracting authority would be limited to $500 or less.
d.              Intents to excavate were signed for Bret Ryan on map 407 lots 86.1 and 86.3.
e.              The processing of revisions to the current use files was briefly discussed.
f.              After some discussion, it was agreed to require Crossroads Academy to provide proof of insurance before permitting them to conduct a tennis program on the Town’s facilities.
6.      The meeting adjourned at 2:30 PM.
R. G. Jones