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Selectboard Minutes 2003/04/16
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 16 April 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 1:00 PM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Fred Stearns (Highway Agent), Wally Ragan (Emergency Management Coordinator) and Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      The minutes of 9 April were approved as submitted.
3.      Fred came in to discuss the contract for equipping the new 5-ton truck.  Two proposals were received, only one of which was responsive in providing all the required equipment.  The Board agreed to award the contract to Vermont Municipal Truck Equipment & Supplies, Inc. for a total of $48,600.
4.      Wally came in to discuss several items:
a.      A “Midwestern New Hampshire Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team” has been established at the Lebanon fire department.  The “Agreement of Participation” was signed by the Board after the Fire Chief had confirmed that funds would be made available from the fire department’s appropriation to pay Lyme’s membership fee.
b.      Both the state and federal governments have changed the requirements for town emergency plans, and as a result the Lyme Plan will have to be reformatted and revised.  Wally is applying for a grant to cover the costs of these required revisions.
c.      Additional grant applications for emergency equipment and designation of helicopter emergency landing locations in town were also discussed.
5.      The following administrative issues were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      Dick briefly discussed the six applications for barn preservation easements that have been received by (or post marked by) the cut off of 15 April for 2003 taxes.
b.      Thirteen yield tax assessments totaling $8,333.26 were approved.
c.      Allan Greatorex’s Planning Board appointment as an alternate to the ZBA was signed.
d.      Requests for parking on the Common for Concertato Singers concerts on 27 April at 2:00 PM and 4 May at 4 PM were approved.
e.      After a discussion, the Board decided to request the Town’s attorney to negotiate the new contract with the Lebanon landfill.  The Board’s principle concern was the deletion of advance notice if the landfill were terminate acceptance of Lyme waste.
f.      Pete brought up concerns by the Recreation Commission on how to pay referees at athletic events.  These were discussed with Dina, whose research has indicated that if they are paid through the regular payroll, they would be subject to withholding and be covered by the town’s workers compensation insurance; but if they were to be paid in cash, they would not be covered by the town’s insurance nor have taxes withheld.  No decision was made.
g.      Dick moved and Allen seconded a motion to appoint Chris Jackson to the Public Works Facilities Committee.  The motion carried unanimously.
h.      “Intents to Cut” were approved for Donald A. West on map 402 lot 63 and W. E. Whittington on map 414 lots 5 and 6.
6.      The meeting adjourned at 3:17 PM.
R. G. Jones