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Selectboard Minutes 2003/04/09
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 9 April 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 1:00 PM.  Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Fred Stearns (Highway Agent), Bill LaBombard (Sexton), Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary) and Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Fred came in to discuss three issues:
a.      Over this winter the Town provided loader services to the state DOT for loading sand into their trucks.  The bill for these services was approved.
b.      The specifications for the new 5-ton truck were discussed, specifically the type of engine, transmission, axle ratio, tilt steering wheel and A/C.  Following the discussion the specifications were approved and a contract awarded to Minuteman Trucks Inc. for $44,467 with trade-in of the old truck and subject to adjustment for the tilt steering wheel and A/C.
c.      Mud season damage to roads by logger(s) violating the seasonal weight limits was discussed.  It was agreed to look into Hanover’s bonding requirements and include a provision for emergency use in preparing any required Lyme regulations.
3.      The minutes of 2 April were approved with minor corrections.
4.      Bill came in to discuss two issues:
a.      The “old” 1-ton equipment trailer is in need of repairs, and although not frequently used, Bill will investigate the costs of its repair and whether to retain or sell it.
b.      In performing his Sexton duties, Bill has provided the town with much of the equipment, tools and a small excavator, but these are not currently covered by either the town’s or his personal insurance.  He will investigate the cost of obtaining a rider on his personal insurance, and the Board agreed that the town should reimburse him for the cost of this rider.
5.      The following issues involving the recreation programs and Recreation Commission were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      A brief discussion of the pending legal case took place to update Pete on its status.
b.      Dick moved and Allan seconded the following appointments to the Recreation Commission for the terms indicated:
i.      Kerry Beck      to March 2005,
ii.     Cathy Cramer    to March 2006,
iii.    Don Cutting     to March 2005,
iv.     Frank Cutting   to March 2005,
v.      Jim Mayers      to March 2006,
vi.     Tom Schlenker   to March 2004, and
vii.    Doug Vogt       to March 2006.
The motion carried unanimously leaving one vacant seat for a future appointment.
c.      Dina came in to briefly discuss some history on LAF equipment donated to the Town/School and the status of the transfer of their funds to the Town.  The “fireworks” checking account paid for this year’s fireworks and the remaining $2K has been transferred to the “Independence Day Celebration Special Revenue Fund”.  The “athletic” checking account balance of $6K has been transferred to the “Recreation Revolving Fund”.  There are also two CDs totaling $10.5K which will be transferred when they mature to a new fund for recreation capital improvements.
d.      The delegation of authority and revision of the Recreation Area By-Law was discussed.  Town counsel has pointed out the requirement for a formal delegation under RSA 35-B to the Recreation Commission and need to update our recreation related regulations.  It was agreed to request he work with the NHMA’s attorney to draft both the delegation and revised regulations.
6.      The following issues involving the Conservation Commission were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      Allan moved and Pete seconded a motion to accept a $750 donation from the Upper Valley Community Foundation to the Conservation Fund.  The motion passed unanimously.
b.      Allan moved and Pete seconded a motion to appoint Laura McDaniel to the Conservation Commission for a term ending in March 2006.  The motion passed unanimously.
c.      Pete moved and Allan seconded a motion to waive the fees for accepting tires at the transfer station for tires picked up as a result of “clean-up day” activities.  The motion passed unanimously.
7.      The following general issues were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      The Board agreed to hold public hearings on the applications received by April 15th for discretionary preservation easements on agricultural buildings as a part of its regular meeting on April 30th.
b.      The Board agreed to hire George Frame to assess yield taxes.
c.      The Board’s goals and objectives for 2003 were briefly discussed.
d.      The draft letter to the townspeople regarding the police vehicle purchase was reviewed.  The Board agreed to several minor revisions and to “publish” it as an insert to the “Church News”, insert to the “School News” and send to the Lyme e-mail list.
e.      Vickie came in to briefly discuss the “Safety and Loss Prevention Policy” she is working on revising.
f.      The Board approved a refund of $3,330 to Ray Clark for his site plan review charges in accordance with the decision of the Planning Board on March 27.  Vickie confirmed that he had met the conditions that that Board had set.
8.      The meeting adjourned at 3:20 PM.
R. G. Jones