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Selectboard Minutes 2003/03/19
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 19 March 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM. Pete Bleyler, Dick Jones and Allan Newton attended the entire meeting.  Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant), Colin Robinson, Pauline Field (Police Chief), Fred Stearns (Road Agent) and Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Colin came in with a subpoena for one of the Town’s historic photographs.  The photograph of “Small’s Grist Mill” was provided, and he said it would be returned later this week after copies had been made and the original viewed by the court.
3.      Pauline came in to discuss her efforts to obtain gas at a lower cost and purchase of the new cruiser.  She continues to investigate contracts of other towns for fuel, but has not yet been able to find that would save the Town significant monies.  The Board also discussed with her whether to purchase a sedan or SUV and whether to retain the current SUV as a “special purpose vehicle”.  The Board felt that to either purchase a sedan and/or retain the current SUV, additional documentation would be required to support not following the “sense of the meeting” votes at Town Meeting.
4.      The minutes of 12 March were approved as submitted.
5.      The Board discussed its organization and assignments for the year.  The Board agreed to change its regular meeting time to Wednesdays at 1:00 PM v. the current 9:00 AM, and to the following assignments of Board members:
a.      Chair – Allan Newton,
b.      Budget Committee: Dick Jones member, Pete Bleyler alternate member,
c.      Conservation Commission: Dick Jones,
d.      Planning Board: Pete Bleyler,
e.      Public Works Facilities Committee: Allan Newton,
f.      Recreation Commission: Pete Bleyler, and
g.      Safety Committee: Allan Newton.
In addition to the above formal assignments, the Board agreed to the following:
a.      Police liaison: Dick Jones,
b.      Fire/FAST Squad liaison: Pete Bleyler,
c.      Highway liaison: Allan Newton, and
d.      Meeting recorder/scribe: Dick Jones.
6.      Fred came in to discuss the purchase of the new 5-ton truck and new highway garage.
a.      Dick pointed out that the vehicle capital reserve appropriations were planned as $95,000 for the truck, $30,000 for the cruiser and $5,000 contingency.  Fred was authorized to submit his specifications to potential suppliers for price quotes.
b.      The charge for the new “Public Works Facilities Building Committee” was reviewed with Fred.  A motion to establish the committee and approve the charge was made by Allan and seconded by Pete.  The motion carried unanimously.
7.      Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to post seasonal weight limits on Town roads.  The motion carried unanimously.
8.      Dina came in to discuss the proposed charge for the “Independence Day Celebration Committee”.  A motion to establish the committee and approve the charge was made by Dick and seconded by Allan.  The motion carried unanimously.
9.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      Judy Brotman and Freda Swan were appointed to the Public Works Facilities Building Committee.
b.      Dina Cutting (1-year), J. J. Pippin (2-years) and Jodie Rich (3-years) were appointed to the Independence Day Celebration Committee.
c.      The purchase and sale agreement for the Shelby property was signed.
d.      The check list for processing applications for discretionary preservation easements for historic agricultural buildings was approved.  In addition Carole will invite Carl Schmidt to a future Board meeting to discuss this program.
e.      A brief discussion on alternatives for gas freeing refrigeration appliances at the transfer station took place.
10.     The meeting adjourned at 11:50 AM.
R. G. Jones