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Selectboard Minutes 2003/03/12
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 12 March 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:05 AM.  Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Frank Godoy (owner Alden Tavern), Lee Larson (chair, Conservation Commission), Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary), Vickie Davis (chair, Safety Committee), Patty Jenks (Town Clerk) and Freda Swan attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Frank came in to discuss the 2002 real estate tax bill for the Alden Tavern.  He said that the real estate taxes were not properly escrowed at the time of closing and requested the Board’s assistance in working out a payment plan.  Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to waive interest and fees on the 2002 real estate tax with a payment plan of one third to be paid by 30 March, the second third to be paid by 30 June and the remainder to be paid by 30 September.  The motion carried unanimously.  The Board also agreed to provide a letter, if needed in addition to the minutes, if requested to confirm the above decision.
3.      The minutes of 7 March were approved as amended.
4.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      Appointment of members to the Recreation Commission was discussed.  Allan will contact members of the former Recreation Committee to determine which are interested in being appointed.
b.      The new Independence Day Committee was discussed with Dina.  She will consult with the other members of the committee that have been coordinating these activities in the past on the nature of a “charge” for this committee.
c.      Lee came in to discuss the procedures for receiving and expending gifts in support of conservation activities.  The Board confirmed that such gifts could be received, a “gifts and donations” fund could be established by the Board, and that no Town Meeting action was required for gifts and donations expended in the year they were received.  In addition he requested Carole follow up with the Town’s attorney on the status of the purchase of the Shelby in-holding in the Trout Pond Management area.
d.      In response to a request from the class of 1963 for an extended hours party at the Dartmouth Skiway’s lodge, Allan agreed to prepare a form for handling such requests.  Issues to be included on the form were: noise, traffic and use of alcoholic beverages.
e.      Dina came in to discuss assessment of the yield tax.  She agreed to setup a meeting with George Frame and the Board to discuss the issue.
f.      The Safety Committee’s action plan was discussed with Vickie.  In addition membership and some changes in the form were discussed.
g.      Patty came in to advise the Board that Peter Bleyler could not serve as both a Selectman and elected member of the Budget Committee.
h.      Freda came in for a general discuss of Town Meeting and to request the Board confirm the legal requirement for a Town Meeting vote to expend donated funds if they are not spent in the year received.
5.      The meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.
R. G. Jones