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Selectboard Minutes 2003/03/05
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 5 March 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:00 AM.  Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Pauline Field (Police Chief), Fred Stearns (Road Agent), Patty Jenks (Town Clerk), Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary), and Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      Pauline came in to discuss a “foul smell” in the police office.  A state trooper visiting the office had reported it as a propane order to Hanover dispatch.  She will follow through with the gas company to detect any potential leak and have it fixed.
3.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      A proposed amendment to Article 24 was discussed and unanimously approved for next week’s Town Meeting.
b.      The Recreation Committee’s meeting was discussed including: the need to insure that the Town’s insurance will cover any new sports programs before they are instituted (eg lacrosse), and the need to develop a “charge” for a new Recreation Commission (if passed at Town Meeting).
c.      Fred came by and mentioned that he had received a proposal for a 50’ by 200’ steel highway garage building at an estimated cost of $179,000.
d.      Bill Nichols’ intent to cut on map 401 lot 23.11 was approved.
e.      The Upper Valley Land Trust’s easement monitoring report on the Trout Pond Management Area was approved and signed.
f.      The Safety Committee’s action plan was briefly reviewed and action assignments for several items were discussed.
g.      Patty came in to point out that the Board had not responded to Emma Lumley’s letter of this last summer (?) concerning “welcome to Lyme” signs.  Both Dick and Allan remembered the letter and thought that a response had been sent.  Allan will follow up on the issue.
h.      Dina and Vickie joined Carole in a discussion with the Board of the need for additional staff support.  There is approximately $10,000 in the proposed budget for a clerk/receptionist, which the Board felt could be used to pay for temporary help or a part time employee.  Carole will work-up a revised position description more clearly defining the help needed.
i.      Dina advised the Board that the auditors had discovered a 2002 Fire Department bill that had been partially paid by the Bessie Hall fund and had $3,100 unpaid.  This unpaid amount was discussed with the Treasurer and will be paid from 2002 funds.  (Thus the 2002 Fire Department total, and Town, spent $3,100 more than currently reported during last year.)
4.      The meeting recessed at 10:50 AM to reconvene at 9:30 AM on Friday 7 March.
R. G. Jones