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Selectboard Minutes 2003/02/26
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 26 February 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened its regular meeting at 9:30 AM.  Mike Hinsley, Dick Jones, Allan Newton and Carole Bont (Administrative Assistant) attended the entire meeting.  Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary), Vickie Davis (Planning and Zoning Administrator) and Put Blodgett attended parts of the meeting.
2.      The minutes of the 19 February meeting were approved as submitted.
3.      Put came in to discuss last week’s letter to him regarding the Belder property.  He requested that the Board review it’s decision to take no action and communicate with Ms Belder about the Town’s potential interest in her property should she decide to sell.  Allan agreed to draft a letter to her.
4.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      The Town Meeting Warrant was discussed and it was agreed to have the following people address questions on individual Articles: 2-12 Planning Board designee, 13-16 Allan, 17-19 Dick, 21-22 Dick, 23 Lee Larson.  No one was yet identified for Articles 20 and 24.  Dick raised questions whether the intent of Article 20 was to permit the Library Trustees to dip into and spend some of the principle in the Library Trust (under the Trustees of the Trust Funds) and if so whether such action would be legal.
b.      Allan updated the Board on the Safety Committee and their action plan was briefly reviewed.
c.      The following appointments were made: David Keane – Ballot Clerk to November 2004, Jim Poage - regular member ZBA (Planning Board appointment) to March 2006, Jackie Glass - alternate member ZBA (Planning Board appointment) to March 2006 and Dan Karnes - alternate Planning Board member (Planning Board appointment) to March 2006.
d.      Horace and Kathleen Henriques’s intent to cut on map 404 lot 4 was approved.
e.      The use of banners with advertising on the Common was discussed.  It was decided to take no action to change of the policy to permit banners announcing local events.
f.      Allan agreed to draft a letter congratulating Adair Mulligan on the publication of her new book, “Proud To Live Here”.
5.      The meeting adjourned at 10:59 AM.
R. G. Jones