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Selectboard Minutes 2003/01/15
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 15 January 2003
1.      The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened for its regular meeting at 9:20 AM.  Allan Newton, Richard Jones, Michael Hinsley and Carole Bont attended the entire meeting.  Joanne Coburn (Tax Collector), Patty Jenks (Town Clerk), and Pauline Field (Police Chief) attended parts of the meeting.
2.      The minutes of 8 January were approved as submitted.
3.      Allan moved and Mike seconded a motion to go into non-public session with Joanne and Patty under the provisions of RSA 91-A:3 II(c).  The motion carried unanimously by roll call vote, and the Board entered non-public session at 9:23 AM.  The Board returned to public session at 10:40 AM having made no decisions.
4.      Pauline came in to discuss her annual performance review and employment contract for 2003.  The Board agreed to meet with her at the police office on Friday the 17th at 10:00 AM.
5.      The purchase of the Shelby in holding lot in the Trout Pond Management area was discussed.  The following actions regarding its purchase and sales agreement and proposed purchase by the Town with Conservation Funds were taken:
a.      Mike moved and Allan seconded a motion to not require the hazardous waste study nor the percolation test pits or other investigations included in the draft purchase and sales agreement.  The motion carried unanimously.
b.      Mike moved and Allan seconded a motion to not require a survey of the property.  The motion carried unanimously.
c.      The Board agreed that the three existing rights-of-way to Mr. Shelby’s other lot were not a problem for the Town.
d.      Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion supporting the purchase of this property.  The motion carried unanimously.
6.      The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
a.      The new RSA 79-D on historic agricultural structures was discussed.  The application form for requesting a preservation easement are now available and will be made available to applicants by the Selectmen’s Office.
b.      The library budget and special warrant article were discussed.  Confusion still exists on the wording of the warrant article and how some library bills will be paid that involve trust fund and appropriated monies.  In addition Dick pointed out that in their revised budget request, the Library Trustees had cut the revenue by $8,000 but only the appropriated funds expenses by $6,839.  The Board agreed that Dick should point this out to the Budget Committee at tonight’s meeting.
c.      Mike moved and Allan seconded a motion to use the IRS’s mileage reimbursement rate of $0.36 per mile in 2003.  (This is a decrease from $0.365 in 2002.)  The motion carried unanimously.
d.      Use of the Common parking permit for the Boy Scouts’ flee markets this spring/summer was approved.
e.      The intent to cut for Michael and Vanora Wilmott on map 401 lot 64 was approved.
f.      The easement deed from Elizabeth B. McCann on map 402 lot 67 was accepted.
7.      The meeting recessed at 11:40 AM to reconvene at 10:00 AM at the police offices on 17 January.
R. G. Jones