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Selectboard Minutes 2003/01/08
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Minutes 8 January 2003
        The Lyme Board of Selectmen convened for its regular meeting at 9:00 AM.  Allan Newton, Richard Jones and Carole Bont attended the entire meeting.  Michael Hinsley (Selectman), Dina Cutting (bookkeeper/secretary), Betsy Eaton (Librarian) and Tish Smith (Library Trustee) attended parts of the meeting.
        The minutes of 18 December were approved as submitted.
        Betsy and Tish came in to discuss several changes in the library’s proposed 2003 budget that were approved by their Trustees at this week’s meeting.  They wish to exclude their non-appropriated funds expenditures from the regular Town budget and address them through a “special warrant article”.  Dick moved and Allan seconded a motion to include such an article on the 2003 Town Meeting Warrant.  The motion carried unanimously.  Tish agreed to draft the article.  Dick agreed to make changes to the 2003 budget spreadsheet reflecting the revised Library Trustee’s budget request and present it to this evening’s Budget Committee meeting.
        The following administrative matters were discussed and/or actions taken:
        A land use change tax of $5,150 for Raymond and Marion Rollings on map 407 lot 53.4000 was assessed.
        Mike briefly addressed fire station air quality issues and their resolution, the “wall” in the fire station offices (between police and fire offices) and a 2002 equipment purchase that has not yet been received or paid for.
        Allan moved and Dick seconded a motion to appoint Alan Hewitt as a Library Trustee through March 2003.  The motion carried unanimously.
        A request for repairing and/or replacing a mailbox damaged by snow plowing was discussed.  Dick said that in the past the Town had not covered damages to mailboxes placed in a highway right-of-way.  Carole will check with the NHMA on any applicable legal requirements on this issue.
        Dick briefly reviewed Monday’s Conservation Commission meeting and Allan briefly reviewed Monday’s Recreation Committee meeting.
        The Board discussed tonight’s Budget Committee presentations including revisions to the budget spreadsheet and justification for increased employee hours in 2003.
        The Board discussed implementing pay raises for 2003 with Dina.  It was agreed that the raises would take effect the first pay period of this year and be signed once they have been reviewed by the Budget Committee.
        The meeting adjourned at 10:35 AM.
R. G. Jones