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Selectboard Agenda 2012/05/17
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday May 17th, 2012
        •       Review and approve the minutes of May 10th, 2012 Public and Non-Public.

        •       Matters arising:

        •       Public Comments:

Administrative matters:

        •       Review and approve the manifest

        •       Department of Safety Grant: Police radio- $ 3,584.75

        •       Permit for outdoor event/alcohol- Bloods Catering @ Loch Lyme Lodge 6/2

        •       Intent to Cut: Map 407 Lot 98 Swift, Walter & Kathleen

        •       Land Use Change Tax:

                Map 421 Lot 22 Cutter Trust, Donald, Thomas & Rosalie TTEE $26.60       
        •       Yield Tax:
                o       Map 416  Lot 24  Robinson, Matthew & Katherine  $1,796.62

                o       Map 421 Lot 81 Rich, Tyler                                  $59.67

                o       Map 408 Lots 22,19 & 20 Loch Lyme Lodge         $1,371.75

                o       Map 406 Lot 22 Wetzel, Robert & Gretchen                  $220.79

                o       Map 409 Lot 99 Steffey Scott – Steffey Maple Grove Farm $70.76

                o       Map 407 Lot 97 Hoyt, Richard & Janet                           $424.20

                o       Map 414 Lot 30.1000  Finley, Roderick                          $323.40

Discussion items:
        •       Committee and Commission reports:

        •       River Road: (topics on the agenda are general, if new information it will be reported on)