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Selectboard Agenda 2012/04/19
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday April 19th, 2012

Appointments: 9:00am-Peter Tausonavitch

        •       Review and approve the minutes of April 12th, 2012 Public and Non-Public.

        •       Matters arising:

        •       Public Comments:

Administrative matters:

        •       Review and approve the manifest(s):

        •       Appointments for Committees, Commissions & Boards:

        •       Monadnock Archaeological Consulting, LLC-River road project

        •       2012 Litter-Free NH Program

        •       Current Use application:

                o       Roby

        •       Credit/Exemptions applications:

                o       Elderly

                o       2-Veterans Exemption

Topics for Discussion:

        •       Committee and Commission reports:

        •       River Road: (topics on the agenda are general, if new information it will be reported on)

                o       NRCS contract

        •       Non-Public: RSA 91-A: 3 II. (C)