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Selectboard Agenda 2012/02/16
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday February 16th, 2012
Appointments: 8:00AM-Public Hearing on Lyme Center Academy Roof donation
Public Comments:
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the minutes of February 9th, 2012 Public and Non-Public.
  • Review and approve the manifest(s):
  • Sign 2012 warrant
  • Use of a Class VI portion of Bliss Lane
  • Edgell Bridge work up-date
  • Property Tax Interest letter
  • Topics for Discussion:
  • Committee and Commission reports:
  • Budget Committee
  • Planning Board
  • River Road: (topics on the agenda are general, if new information it will be reported on)
  • Review information from Holden concerning DES, HTE, Slope planting plan revision, wetland response letter,
  • Non-Public if necessary

The Selectmen’s agenda is subject to change with items added or deleted up to and including during the meeting itself.
Anyone, not just local residents, can attend any public meeting. However “open to the public” does not mean that the Right to Know Law grants anyone the right to speak at the meeting. Nobody has the right to disrupt a meeting or to speak without being invited.  The Town of Lyme Board of Selectmen has a designated “public comment” time.  The Select board may choose to address the matter brought to their attention at that time or at a designated meeting in the future.