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Selectboard Agenda 2012/01/26
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday January 26, 2012

Appointments:   8:00-Greg Hanlon-discuss peer-review of engineer
                        8:15-Lance Goodrich-Transfer Station
                        8:30-Conservation Commission-Post Pond Milfoil grant

Public Comments:

•       Administrative matters:

•       Review and approve the minutes of January 19th, 2012 public and non-public session.

•       Review and approve the manifest(s):

•       Intent to Cut:
                o       Wetzel, Robert & Gretchen, Map 406 Lot 22.2 Route 10
                o       Mudge, John, Map 403 Lot 29.2 Lamphire Hill Lane

•       FEMA funds for Dorchester Road

•       Set date for Public Hearing LCAB roof donation

•       Vote on Policies & Procedures & Up-date Committee Handbook

•       Topics for Discussion:

•       Committee and Commission reports:
                o       Recreation Commission

•       River Road: (topics on the agenda are general, if new information it will be reported on)

•       C. Whitcher contract

•       Ambulance bill: request for abatement

•       Letter form Community member concerning the Transfer Station

•       Draft 2012 Warrant