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Selectboard Agenda 2012/01/19
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday January 19, 2012

Public Comments:

•       Administrative matters:
        •       Review and approve the minutes of January 12th, 2012 public and non-public session.

        •       Review and approve the manifest(s):

        •       Intent to Cut:

        •       Grant application: Fast Squad

        •       Letter for Bank of America: Trustees of the Trust Fund, Marlene Green as Trustee

        •       Lyme do you want to continue with this? $100.00 cost

        •       Review and discuss draft Select board procedures and policies

        •       Review foot note for agenda

        •       Discuss comp-time

        •       Topics for Discussion:

        •       Committee and Commission reports:

                o       Energy Committee

                o       Planning

                o       Budget Committee

        •       Selectmen procedures: draft document to review

        •       River Road: (topics on the agenda are general, if new information it will be reported on)

                o       Holden road lay out description

        •       Draft 2012 Warrant