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Selectboard Agenda 2011/12/15
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday December 15th, 2011

Appointments: 8:00AM-Fred Stearns, Road Agent

                 8:30AM- Robert Coyle

        Public Comments:

1.      Administrative matters:
                •       Review and approve the minutes of December 8th, 2011 public and Non-public sessions.
                •       Review and approve the manifest(s):
                •       Intent to Cut: Meyer Robert & Jane-41 Davidson Lane-Map 416 Lot 12
                •       Primary discussion:
                •       Bill Waste resignation effective March 2012 as Town Moderator

2.      Topics for Discussion:
                •       Committee and Commission reports:
                        o       Planning Board
                        o       CIP Committee
                        o       Town Building Committee
                        o       Budget Committee

                •       River Road: Legal, Liability & Holden
                        o       NRCS & NH DOT mitigation grant-update: Workshops 3 days
                        o       DES request for more information
                •       Supreme Court decision  to dismiss Morrissey et all vs. Town of Lyme

3.        Topics for Action:
                •       Borrowing painting from office
                •       Consider waiving fees for trash disposal on health & welfare grounds
                •       Review costs of Morrissey et all vs. Town of Lyme & Morrissey Wetlands counsel appeal.
                •       Non-Public Session: Under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) reputation & (e) legal