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Selectboard Agenda 2011/11/03
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday November 3rd, 2011
Appointments: None

        Public Comments:

1.      Administrative matters:
        •       Review and finalize community letter concerning River Road
        •       Review and approve the minutes of October 27th, 2011  
        •       Review and approve the manifest(s):
        •       Standard Dredge and fill permit for River Road: Sent to DES 11/2/2011

2.      Topics for Discussion:
        •       Committee and Commission reports:
                o       Planning Board
        •       Emergency Management Director: Review process for filling position
        •       Town Committee e-mail information sent from personal e-mails
        •       River Road: Legal, Liability & Holden
                o       Review bids received: Bid deadline 11/2/2011
                o       Discuss action plan for bids on River Road pending voter approval at Town meeting in March 2012.
        o       Update on Land owner information

3.        Topics for Action:
        •       Cemetery lots purchased via payments
        •       Fast Roads: Connection License Agreement
        •       2012 Budget: continued discussions and finalize 2012 proposed operating budget
        •       Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a)