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Selectboard Agenda 2011/09/01
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday September 1st, 2011

  • 8:00AM-Holden: River road
Public Comments:
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the minutes of August 25th, 2011  Regular meeting  
  • Review and approve the manifest(s):
  • Land Use Change Tax:
  • Stephen Doig & Marion Cass 75 Flint Hill Road Map 414 Lot 11.11
  • Review and sign MS-1
  • Topics for Discussion:
  • Committee and Commission reports:
Planning Board
  • Road closure procedure
  • Notice from DES administrative order w/ consent of the Lyme Water Association
  • Edgell Bridge: Start date pushed back due to Irene damage with in the State
  • Lyme Water Association water system educational information
  • Tax payer letter:
  •   Topics for Action:
  • Approve & sign letters for Land owners River road concerning tree cutting.
  • Letter from Department of the Army: River Road washout.
  • Notification of Aquatic Treatment of Post Pond.
  • Review budget time line for Department heads
  • Memo: Committee & Commission meeting postings
  • Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (e) & (c) (if necessary)