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Selectboard Agenda 2011/08/25
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday August 25th, 2011

  • 8:00AM-Judy & Paul Barker: Pond water level
  • 9:00AM-Holden: River Road
Public Comments:
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the minutes of August 18th , 2011  Regular meeting  
  • Review and approve the manifest(s):
  • Current Use Application:
  • Stephen Doig & Marion Cass 75 Flint Hill Road Map 414 Lot 11.11
  • Virginia Walton 42 Claflin lane Map 410 Lot 33.1
  • Joan Barthold 1121 Pinnacle Hill Road Map 407 Lot 81
  • Kimberley Taylor 10 Tavern Lane Map 406 Lot 36
  • Topics for Discussion:
  • Committee and Commission reports:
Zoning Board:
Energy Committee:
Heritage Commission:
  • Post Pond water samples: 2 CTS and 4 CTS well below the state acceptable levels
  • DOT Route 10 & East Thetford Road intersection safety improvements: Notification this project in complete.
  • Certification of no further action from Department of Environmental Services: Town Office site
  •  Topics for Action:
  • Bid on Tree Cutting for River Road
  • Safety concerns: Trees on Franklin Hill & Acorn Hill Roads
  • Goose Pond Road culvert fix received DES permit: Note revised permit dated 8/19/2011: Start date September 7, 2011
  • Edgell Bridge construction: The Bridge will be closed to all traffic. Start date end of September, Estimate Bridge will closed for 13 weeks depending on how repairs go. Notification to emergency groups and signage.
  • Forestry Services Contract: Dennis Thorell
  • Non-Public Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) & (c)