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Selectboard Agenda 2011/05/05
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday May 5th, 2011

8:30AM- Ray Burton
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the minutes of April 28th  Regular and Non-Public   
  • Review and approve the manifest(s):
  • Committee and Commission appointments:
  • Energy Committee:
  • Heritage Commission:
  • Capital Improvement Plan:
  • Conservation Easements, Current Use applications, Intent-to-Cut applications, Intent-to-Excavate applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Tax Abatement applications, Veterans’ Tax Credit applications and Yield Tax assessments:
  • Currant Use update:
  • Stephen Hewes-310 Goose Pond Road-Map 411 Lot 12-9.8 acres
  • Lisa & Kenneth Haynes-75 River Road-Map 401 Lot 77-10.2 acres
  • Timber Tax:
  • Kristina Olenec: Timber Tax Warrant-Cutting Hill Lane-
Map 407 Lot 122-$56.97
  • Smarts Mtn. Realty: Intent to Cut-Map 415 Lot 22.1
  • Kristina Olenec: Intent to Cut-Map 407 Lot 122
  • Topics for Discussion:
a.      Committee and Commission reports:
  • 250th Committee-Simon
  • Conservation Commission-Richard
b.      Reported digging at the Lyme Center Academy Building?
c.      Revision to the actual disbursement Block Grant decrease from $100,429.90 to $96,208.41. Difference of $4,221.49.
3. Action topics:
a.      Review and sign letter to landowner concerning damage to Dorchester Road.
      b.       Edgell Bridge: Final okay to move ahead with project.