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Selectboard Agenda 2010/12/16
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday December 16, 2010
  • Appointments:
8:00    Fred Stearns    winter highway maintenance
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the minutes of December 9th
  • Review and approve the manifest
  • Conservation Easements, Current Use applications, Intent-to-Cut applications, Intent-to-Excavate applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Tax Abatement applications, Veterans’ Tax Credit applications and Yield Tax assessments:
  • Intent-to-Cut:
Robert and Jane Mayer   map 416  lot 12
Smarts Mountain Reality map 415  lot 22
  • Board, Commission and Committee reports:
  • Safety Committee (Charles)
  • Planning Board (Dick)
  • Conservation Commission Site Visit (Dick)
  • Transportation Advisory Committee (Dick)
  • Recreation Commission (Dina)
  • Budget Committee (Simon)
  • Review and approve the Transfer Station waste disposal contract (if available)
  • Identify, discuss and approve funds to be carried over to 2012 (if available)
  • UVLSRPC letter of commitment for 2011 household hazardous waste days
  • Request to link to a .com website (non-local business) reaffirm policy ?
  • Discuss holiday meeting schedule
  • ______________________________________________________________________
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  • ______________________________________________________________________
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  • Non-public session under authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(a) to consider compensation of a town employee.
  • Pending and Ongoing Business:
  • Review of Memorandum of Understanding with the Library Trustees
  • Clean-up of Dorchester Road “junk yard”
  • Removal of two beaver pipes from Clay Brook
5.      Future events:
  • Town Meeting    Tuesday, March 8th