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Selectboard Agenda 2010/07/01
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday July 1, 2010
  • Appointments:
____    ______________  ___________________________________________
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the public and non-public session minutes of June 28th.
  • Review and approve the manifest.
  • Conservation Easements, Current Use applications, Intent-to-Cut applications, Intent-to-Excavate applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Tax Abatement applications Veterans’ Tax Credit applications, Yield Tax assessments:  none at this time
  • Board, Commission and Committee reports:
  • Recreation Commission – Dick (Paul Sansone’s resignation)
  • ___________________________________________
  • Discuss Thresea Mundy’s Yoga proposal (staff input)
  • Discuss external “historical displays” at the Academy Building
  • Signs at the Transfer Station
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • New and Ongoing Business:
  • Discuss follow-up on the Dorchester Road dump
  • Discuss and approve follow-up letter on Stella’s site plan review
  • Non-public session under authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(e) “consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation” with regard to the Papademas appeal to the NH Supreme Court
  • ________________________________________________________________
  • Pending Business:
  • Revise the Energy Committee’s charge
  • Building and Bridge repairs:
  • Pike House
  • Highway Garage (condensation issues)
  • Fisher Bridge
  • Fraud, Cash Receipts, Credit Card and Purchasing Policies
  • Policy on highway signs (awaiting Traffic Safety Committee recommendations)
  • Up Coming Events:
  • July 3rd at 5:00 Independence Day parade, BBQ and fireworks
  • July 8th (at regular meeting) – open bids and award contract for summer highway projects
  • July 10th 6:00 AM to 3:330 PM Prouty (not including set-up and clean-up)