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Selectboard Agenda 2010/03/25
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday March 25th 2010
  • Appointments:
8:00 am Fred Stearns    Highway department staffing
______  _____________________________________________________
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve the minutes of March 18th
  • Review and approve the manifest
  • Current Use applications, Intent-to-Cut applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Tax Abatement applications, Veteran’s Tax Credit applications and Yield Tax assessments:
  • ____________ : ________________________________________________
  • ____________ : ________________________________________________
  • ____________ : ________________________________________________
  • Board, Commission and Committee reports:
  • Safety Committee (Charles)
  • Highway Safety Committee (Charles)
  • Recreation Commission (Dick)
  • _______________________________________________
  • Approve and sign responses to the following letters:
  • Manning Roundtree’s dated 5 March
  • Helen Skelly’s dated 10 March
  • Tony Ryan’s dated 11 March
  • Designation of persons authorized to acquire Federal Surplus property
  • Concurrence in changed dates for household hazardous waste at Lebanon
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • New Business:
  • non-public session under authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person” (two items)
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • Ongoing and Pending Business:
  • Filling Committee and Commission vacancies
  • Establishment of a “buildings and grounds” committee (Simon)
  • Review and approval of “Recreation Ordinance”
  • Fraud, Cash Receipts, Credit Card and Purchasing Policies
  • Town Garage condensation and building maintenance.
  • Repairs to the Fisher Bridge
  • Repairs to the Pike House
  • Up Coming Events:
  • March 29th at 9:00 am NHRA check presentation at the transfer station
  • April 1st at 8:00 am: Diana Calder subject David and Lisa Celone’s tax appeal
  • April 1st at 7:30 pm at Dorchester Town Hall: Meeting with the Dorchester Board of Selectmen (subjects: emergency services and incidental maintenance of the Dorchester Road by Lyme departments in Dorchester)
  • April 22 at 8:00 am: Bob Eaton NHDOT subjects: Town Offices’ curb cut, RT10-High Street intersection , RT10-North Thetford Road intersection and traffic calming in Lyme Center village)
  • April 22nd at Jesse’s:  Local Government Center Regional Dinner
  • June 5th from 8:00 to 12:00 am at Lyme transfer station: electronics day
  • June 9th at 5:30 at Eastman: UVLSRPC annual dinner
  • July 17th 9:00 to 12:00 at Lebanon landfill: household hazardous waste day
  • September 25th 9:00 to 12:00 at Lebanon landfill: household hazardous waste day
  • To be determined: NHDOT/UVLSRPC hearing on safety improvements to RT10/East Thetford Road intersection
  • _______________________________________________________________________