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Selectboard Agenda 2010/02/25
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for Thursday February 25th 2010
  • Appointments:   
8:00AM  Bill Waste & Patty Jenks – Town Meeting issues.
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve Selectboard public and NPS minutes of February 18th.
  • Review and approve Manifest.
  • Current Use applications, Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions, Intent to Cut Applications, Veteran’s Tax Credit and Land Use Change Tax assessments  – None at this time.
  • Sign Timber Tax Warrant:
Duncan & Ann Mackintosh Map 405 Lots 47 & 48    $665.25
  • Sign already approved policies: Computer Systems (1: Employees, 2: Officers), Snow Removal and Ice Control, Conference Room, Fund Balance and Listserv.
  • Sign Fire Station copier contract.
  • Sign Tasco Security alarm system contract.
  • _______________________________________________________________________
  • Ongoing Business:
  • Town Garage condensation and building maintenance.
  • Repairs to the Fisher Bridge.
  • Mud season roads.
  • New Business:
  • Consider request for monitoring well on the Common (reference Nichols' tank removal).
  • Town Offices’ curb cut – NHDOT letter of  February 16
  • Credit Card, Fraud and Purchasing policies
  • _______________________________________________________________________