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Selectboard Agenda 2009/07/30
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for July 30th, 2009
  • Appointments:     
8:00AM  Diana Calder
8:30AM  Dan Quinn
8:45AM  Peter Mulvihill
9:00AM  Jeff Valance
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve Selectboard public minutes of July 23rd.
  • Review and approve Manifest.
  • Current Use applications, Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions, Intent to Cut Applications, Veteran’s Tax Credit and Land Use Change Tax assessments  – None at this time
  • Committee and Reports:
  • Planning Board
  • Senator Shaheen – Federal Broadband stimulus presentation.
  • Sign TAN
  • Sign final documents for purchase of town forest land.
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • Ongoing Business:
  • Town Garage condensation and building maintenance.
  • Review Policies:
  • Computer Software & Hardware
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • New Business:
  • Consider Municipal Exception for photovoltaic solar array on the roof of the school and waiving of Zoning Permit fee.
  • Review mid-year finances spreadsheet.
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • Pending Items:
  • Planning for 250 Birthday.
  • Cemetery Trustees and Cemetery management.
  • Consideration of Emergency Lanes for access to Trout Pond Forest and Town Forest.
  • Amending fiscal year.
  • Road access Route 10/High Street