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Selectboard Agenda 2009/05/07
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for May 7th, 2009
  • Appointments:
  • 8:00AM  Judy Brotman
  • 8:30AM  Diana and Dave Robbins
  • Administrative matters:
  • Review and approve Selectboard minutes of April 30th.
  • Review and approve Manifest.
  • Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions, Yield Tax assessments, Intent to Cut Applications, Veterans’ Tax Credit and Land Use Change Tax assessments  – None at this time.
  • Review Assessment Appeal:
  • Estate of Ken Elder     Map 408 Lot 59
  • Current Use Application:
  • Srimalai Nichols        Map 405 Lot 52  Remove 0.11 acre.
  • Updates on Committees and Public Meetings:
  • Conservation Commission
  • Building Committee
  • Consider Tasco monitoring issues.
  • Review draft Performance review form.
  • Review DRA Equalized Valuation – total valuation $341,798,194
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • Ongoing Business:
  • Resolution of boundary line between Town forest and Walter Young’s property.
  • ______________________________________________________________
  • New Business:
  • Non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person” for discussion of a hardship abatement request.
  • _______________________________________________________________
  • Pending Items:
  • Road access Route 10/High Street.
  • Consider amending fiscal year and introducing two tax payment periods.