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Selectboard Agenda 2008/09/04
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for September 4, 2008
1.      8:00 AM Public Hearing to accept grant for EOC radio.
2.      Administrative matters:
a.      Review and approve the Selectboard public and non-public session minutes of August 28th and 29th.
b.      Review and approve the Manifest.
c.      Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions, Current Use applications, Veterans’ Tax Credit, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Yield Tax assessments and Yield Tax abatements, – None at this time.
d.      Intent to Cut application:      Scott Nichols   Map 402, Lot 26.2 69, Preston Rd.
e.      Updates on Committees and Public Meetings:
i.      Transportation Study Committee
ii.     Town Offices Committee.
1.      Notification to Planning Board.
2.      Energy issues.
3.      Finance tracking through construction period.
4.      Vault shelving.
iii.    Budget Committee
f.      Board members’ schedule for election day, September 9th.
g.      Sign Town Clerk’s copier maintenance contract.
h.      Confirm Dina’s vacation request:  Feb 14th - Feb 24th
i.      ______________________________________________________________
3.      Ongoing Business:
a.      Position Descriptions/review employment policy.
b.      Inter-town co-operation.  
c.      ______________________________________________________________
4.      New Business:
a.      Questionnaire regarding town report.
b.      Performance Reviews.
c.      _______________________________________________________________
5.      Pending Items:
a.      Review boat launch ordinance with Recreation commission input.
b.      Road access Route 10/High Street.
c.      Pond and Multiple Ownership Assessing policy.
d.      Resolution of boundary line between Town forest and Walter Young’s property (Carole’s October 4, 2005 email).