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Selectboard Agenda 2008/08/14
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for August 14, 2008
1.      Appointments:   None at this time       
2.      Administrative matters:
a.      Review and approve the Selectboard public and non-public session minutes of August 7th and non-public session of August 8th.
b.      Review and approve the manifest.
c.      Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions, Veterans’ Tax Credit, Intent to Cut applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Yield Tax assessments and Yield Tax abatements, – None at this time.
d.      Current Use application –  Map 407 Lot 56-2000
change of ownership to David Russ and Eileen Feshkins.
e.      Updates on Committees and Public Meetings:
i.      Conservation Commission
ii.     Town Offices Committee
iii.    Transportation Advisory Committee (UVLSRPC) – NHDOT 10-Year Plan
f.      Review/renew Dennis Thorell’s contract for Forestry Services.
g.      Road work on River Road – berm & fill (unpaved section on river bank)
h.      Sign contract with Holden Engineering and Surveying, Inc. for work on the Fisher Bridge
i.      Discuss dealing with the acreage discrepancies in the MS-1 for multiple ownership current use properties.
j.      Review/approve and sign lease on the Lila Pike house
k.      ______________________________________________________________
3.      Ongoing Business:
a.      Ball Field costs and permit considerations.
b.      Position Descriptions and Advertisement for staff member.
c.      Discuss/resolve unofficial use of fire engines and CDL requirements
d.      Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II(e) regarding consideration or negotiation of pending claims or litigation.
e.      ______________________________________________________________
4.      New Business:
a.      Review draft of Committee Handbook.
b.      Non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II(a) .
c.      _______________________________________________________________
5.      Pending Items:
a.      Review boat launch ordinance with Recreation commission input.
b.      Road access Route 10/High Street.
c.      Pond Assessing policy.
d.      Resolution of boundary line between Town forest and Walter Young’s property (Carole’s October 4, 2005 email).