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Selectboard Agenda 2008/06/26
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for June 26, 2008
1.      Appointments:   
8:00 a.m: Dan Quinn and Shaun O’Keefe.
9:00 a.m: Mr Patton, 85 Highbridge Road:  review assessment appeal and Assessing Agent’s report.
2.      Administrative matters:
a.      Review and approve the Public Hearing Session and Selectboard public and non-public session minutes of June 19th.
b.      Review and approve the manifest.
c.      Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions, Veterans’ Tax Credit applications, Current Use application, Intent to Cut applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Yield Tax assessments and Yield Tax abatements, – None at this time.
d.      Sign Land Use Change Tax warrant and hardship tax abatement.
e.      Review and sign unlicensed dog warrant.
f.      Review and sign letter to Mr. Koska regarding drainage on Highbridge Road.
g.      Updates on Committees:
i.      Town Offices Committee
h.      ______________________________________________________________
3.      Ongoing Business:
a.      Review boat launch ordinance with Recreation commission input.
b.      Review and approve “Agreement” with Crossroads Academy on use of the Shoestrap Road playing field.
c.      Review/discuss task assignments/duties of Selectmen’s Office staff.
4.      New Business
a.      Consider complaint regarding road work on Baker Hill Road.
b.      Non-public session under the authority of RSA 91-A:3 II(c) – “matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person” for employee performance review.
c.      _______________________________________________________________
5.      Pending Items:
a.      Issues raised from discussion with Assessing Agent and policies to be confirmed:
i.      How ponds are assessed
ii.     Commercial use of assessing data/record cards.
b.      Road access Route 10/High Street.
c.      Public meeting regarding location of swings at the Academy building.
d.      Resolution of boundary line between Town forest and Walter Young’s property (Carole’s October 4, 2005 email).