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Selectboard Agenda 2008/05/15
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for May 15, 2008
1.      Appointments:
8:30    John Koska drainage/culvert issues affecting his property at 95 Highbridge Road
2.      Administrative matters:
a.      Review and approve the minutes of May 8th
b.      Review and approve the manifest
c.      Appointments to Boards/Committees/Commissions, Current Use applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Veterans’ Tax Credit applications, Yield Tax assessments and Yield Tax abatements– None at this time
d.      Review and approve copier maintenance contract with Lyndonville Office Equipment for $295.00
e.      Approval (?) of Dina’s request to take May 23rd and June 3rd off
f.      Resolve who pays for the Keanes’ corrected deed recording fee of $44.58
g.      Approve/sign abatement of the remaining Seace property tax of $ ________
h.      Concurrence on Diana’s proposed assessing briefing of the Board on June 18th at 8:30 for approximately 2 hours
i.      Concurrence in putting off review and discussion of revised “Recreation By-Laws” and “Agreement Between Crossroads Avademy and Town of Lyme & Lyme Recreation Commission” until Simon’s return
j.      Authorize Town Offices Building Committee to replace (if necessary) the oil tank at RECREATE
k.      Review and approve letters requesting documents from utility companies requested by our utility assessor
l.      _______________________________________________________________
3.      Action Items:
a.      _______________________________________________________________
b.      _______________________________________________________________
4.      Pending Items:
a.      Park and Ride signs
b.      Review and vote to public hearing the draft “Boat Launch” and “Recreation Areas” ordinances
c.      Review and approve “Agreement” with Crossroads Academy on use of the Shoestrap Road playing field.  Pending receipt of Crossroads’ comments.
d.      Review and approval of the revision of “Emergency Preparedness Plan”.
e.      Consideration of cable service to 85 Dartmouth College Highway.
f.      Correcting of safety issues with the swings at the Academy building.
g.      Resolution of boundary line between Town forest and Walter Young’s property (Carole’s October 4, 2005 email).
5.      Upcoming events:
a.      Public Hearing on the “Emergency Management” ordinance at 8:00 on May 22nd