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Selectboard Agenda 2008/05/08
Town of Lyme
Board of Selectmen
Agenda for May 8, 2008
1.      Appointments: None at this time
2.      Administrative matters:
a.      Amend the approved minutes of May 1st to correct the amount in paragraph 8c from $1,044.13 to $1,064.13 and paragraph 9d from $24.30 to $48.60.
b.      Review and approve the Public and Non-Public Session minutes of May 2nd
c.      Review and approve the manifest.
d.      Appointments to Boards/Committees/Commissions, Current Use applications, Land Use Change Tax assessments, Veterans’ Tax Credit applications, Yield Tax assessments and Yield Tax abatements– None at this time.
e.      Intent to Cut applications:
i.      Brenda Gallagher        map 411 lot 1
ii.     Edward C. Perkins Trust map 409 lot 57
f.      Resolve George Hano’s veteran’s tax credit for 2007 administrative error – abatement of $500.00 plus interest
g.      Review and approve report to New Hampshire the Beautiful on this year’s Green-Up Day
h.       ______________________________________________________________
i.      _______________________________________________________________
3.      Action Items:
a.      _______________________________________________________________
b.      _______________________________________________________________
4.      Pending Items:
a.      Park and Ride signs
b.      Review and vote to public hearing the draft “Boat Launch” and “Recreation Areas” ordinances
c.      Review and approve “Agreement” with Crossroads Academy on use of the Shoestrap Road playing field.  Pending receipt of Crossroads’ comments.
d.      Review and approval of the revision of “Emergency Preparedness Plan”.
e.      Consideration of cable service to 85 Dartmouth College Highway.
f.      Correcting of safety issues with the swings at the Academy building.
g.      Resolution of boundary line between Town forest and Walter Young’s property (Carole’s October 4, 2005 email).
5.      Upcoming events:
a.      Public Hearing on the “Emergency Management” ordinance at 8:00 on May 22nd