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Recreation Commission Minutes 2008/03/31 Memo to Conservation Commission
To:  Matt Stevens
From: Recreation Commission
Date: 3/31/08
Re: Points to consider for your 4/7/08 meeting

Dear Matt:

Out of respect to the Conservation Commission, and the notion of a coordinated voice from the Recreation Commission, we have assembled a list of our constraints we feel you need to be aware of.

We would like to move forward with our planned construction as presented and voted on at Town Meeting 2008 – In light of the current information from Fish & Game, DES, and the Attorney General we are in hopes that the CC is in favor of modifying the Post Pond Water Release Policy. If the Conservation Commission is in favor of modifying the water release policy at Post Pond we would like to be part of this discussion.

As I’m sure you are aware, the Recreation Commission is under very strict deadlines, and to meet our desired construction start date of August 2008, we will need a decision by May 1st, 2008.  We are also concerned with your decision to undertake a second study of the Chaffee Sanctuary.  The results of this additional study may impact the effort we would have already started.  From our perspective, we are satisfied with the results of the Normandeau study.

Per our discussion on improving the communication between the RC and CC the Recreation Commission would welcome the idea of a liaison between the two Commissions. Could we discuss this option at your next meeting? We will be attending your next meeting to discuss these items in person.

Please seriously consider these points prior to your next meeting.

Thank you.


The Recreation Commission