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Recreation Commission Minutes 2007/06/21
Independence Day Committee meeting minutes

Dina Cutting, JJ Pippin, Robert Couture, Jodie Rich

Dina’s house


? Firewood – Jodie to put something on the Lyme Listserv asking for someone to donate

? Financial donations thus far - $1200 in checks alone.  Cash hasn’t been counted yet.

?  If rains the 7th, and need to push to rain date, then we might not have the police support for parking as they didn’t realize there was a rain date, and they are already spoken for on the 8th.  So, we’ll have to make calls to get some additional adults to cover if we do it on the 8th.  Shouldn’t be a problem though.

? Signs/notification - JJ to make and put up signs at boat landing indicating it will be closed all day.  Cooch to make and hang notices of boat landing closure at Country Store, Bank, Library, Nichols, etc..  Jodie to take that closure notice and send out to the Lyme Listserv

? Entertainment.  Dan Friehoffer isn’t available any more.  Though he has found another band.  Ford Daley – The Whipple Hill Gang.  Also Dina has spoken with Earl Strout.  Lyme Town Band.  They will donate their time.  And from our profits (if any) we will donate to the band.

? Pauline needs to meet with the parking crew.  JJ to get in touch with them about needing to meet with her.

? Cooch will speak with skiway or Ford Sayre regarding borrowing fencing to better mark the safety zone.

? Setup for the day.   We will all meet at the pond at 8:30am to setup the boundary, parking, etc…

? Cooch will bring a smaller hammer for Dina

?   Tents.  We have one from Don Elder and one from Those Guys.  We will use our smaller tent as a backup (in case Don’s becomes rented out – currently it isn’t spoken for).

? Ledyard bank will coordinate a face painting area (and other fun stuff) for the kids to participate in.

? Parade Director.   Will again this year be Tom Frawley.

? Tables/Chairs.  This year will be borrowed from the Lyme Fire Department.

? Cooler for chickens.  Cooch will call Jim M. and inquire if he knows if we have Tracy’s fridge again this year.