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Recreation Commission Minutes 2007/12/17

Lyme Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
December 17, 2007
Town Office

Attendees:  Dina Cutting, Peter Mulvihill, Bob Couture, Tom Yurkosky, Kathleen Henriques.  Absent:  Simon Carr, Tor Tosteson

Presently, Bob, Peter and Tom are alternate members of the Recreation Commission (RC).  Should a member be absent, an alternate may sit in to create a quorum.  

Bob Couture was appointed to fill the current vacant Commission seat.  Tom Yurkosky agreed to replace Tor Tosteson as his term is up.  

It was decided that the Warrant Article would include a stated 2’ water level and therefore would need to be a Petition Warrant Article and would require the signatures of 25 registered Lyme voters.  RC members should bring their signatures to the next meeting.

A strategic plan for informing the public of the present beach and ball field was discussed.

RC members will attend the Budget Committee meeting on 12/19/07 to present Pathway’s plan for the beach and field improvement and the cost of the project.

A RC member will meet with Crossroads Academy on 1/14/08.

Next Meeting:  1/7/08 6pm at Town Office

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Henriques - Secretary