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Recreation Commission Minutes 2007/12/10
Lyme Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
Lyme Center Academy Building

Attendees:  Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Peter Mulvihill, Bob Couture, Tor Tosteson, Tom Yurkosky, Kathleen Henriques

Minutes from the November 26, 2007 meeting were approved with minor changes.

The meeting opened with the question as to whether or the Recreation Commission (RC) has received any communication from the Conservation Commission (CC) with respect to the outcome of the CC’s November 5, 2007 meeting.  Evidently, the CC is trying to revise the Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary management policy.  The question was asked whether or not the RC will be working in concert with the CC.  Evidently, the Commissions will not be working in concert as they have differing agendas.  
It was learned that all information/communications with the town regarding the beaver situation has been requested by an individual on behalf of Tom Morrissey.

Dina submitted drafts of two warrant articles accompanied by brief explanations.  After much discussion, the first draft of the articles was approved with minor changes.  Lyme legal counsel will review them and then the articles will be presented to the Select Board.  If there are any changes, the articles will be returned to the RC for approval.

Cost of the field and beach repair projects were discussed with approximate amounts having been submitted by Pathways.  Permitting costs need to be verified before dollar amounts can be included in the Warrant Articles.  Dina will verify and notify the committee.

Pete recommended the RC underwrite private donations to offset the project.  He has secured $30,000 in private donations and is optimistic we can raise more funds.  These donations can only be used for construction of the beach and field repair project. And will be accepted only if the town approves the Warrant Article.

Pathways’ proposed drainage system for the field was reviewed.  Tom asked that Pathways make sure the drainage system extend behind and around the backstop area.

Dina provided the members with a copy of the CC Post Pond Water Release Policy.

Dina will submit a management agreement to Crossroads Academy with respect to the use of the new Crossroads field by the Lyme Rec. teams.  Pete will determine the Crossroads contact.

Next meeting:  Monday, January 7, 2008, 7 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Henriques - Secretary