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Recreation Commission Minutes 2007/11/26
Lyme Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2007
Lyme Center Academy Building

Attendees:  Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Peter Mulvihill, Bob Couture, Tor Tosteson, Tom Yurkosky, Kathleen Henriques, Steve Small, Jocelyn Bowen

Instructional Basketball Program:  Jocelyn Bowen proposed an instructional beginning basketball program for 1st & 2nd graders.  It will be held in the Lyme School Gym and will meet once a week.  There is no cost however all players must sign a town waiver form.  The Commission approved the program which will be held November-January.

Minutes from the October 15, 2007 meeting were approved.

Field and Beach Project:  The Pathways Consulting LLC final report is not ready however it is expected in the next two weeks.  Pathways has indicated that the cost to upgrade the ball field will range from $75,000 to $150,000.  The amount will depend on what the Conservation Commission (CC) determines the pond water level should be.  Field work costs will increase up to $50,000 if the determined pond water level is above 2’.  Dina reported that through preliminary discussions with Pathways, the pond water level must remain at 2’ to have a functional beach.  Repairs to the beach and lawn can be done by the Lyme Highway Crews which will keep costs to a minimum.

Pete brought pictures showing the newly installed beaver pipe.  It was noted that the new beaver pipe is a 12” pipe instead of the 16” pipe which was supposed to be installed per the CC’s Nov. 5, 2007 meeting.  There was confusion as to the effectiveness of the pipe as when it rains and the water level is high the water flows around the pipe as well as through it and when the water level lowers, the pipe appears to be completely out of the water with minimal water flowing through it while at the same time water is still flowing over the dam.
There was much discussion about how the RC feels it has been forthcoming in what we are requesting is best for the town recreation areas.  The RC is very interested in the intentions of the CC with respect to preserving Lyme’s recreation facilities as well as their mission of conservation.  Simon stated the CC needs to have a chance to meet with Lee Larson who was out of the country during the RC/CC Nov. 5th meeting. The RC recommends a 2’ pond water level.

The Commission decided the most effective way to get town support is through a Warrant Article which should request money to repair the field and beach area as well as inform the town that it would be irresponsible to request any money be spent or recommend any improvements if the CC does not agree to keep the pond water level at 2’.

Dina will draft a Warrant Article which will include the following points:  1) Request money to improve the beach and ball field 2) Request the Conservation Commission not allow the pond water level to exceed 2’ as that would be a total waste of town resources 3) Discuss financing i.e. bond, private fundraising, $8000 existing fund. Propose a single year outlay of funds and not tie this bond to the town office bond.  The Warrant Article will be run by Lyme’s legal counsel.  Simon will look into the process of submitting a Warrant Article.

The Lyme field will be under construction from Aug 2008-Aug 2009.  The RC will ask Crossroads Academy for use of its new field for fall ’08 soccer, spring/summer ’09 baseball and men’s softball league.

Pete reported that he has aerated and seeded the Lyme field.

Pete reported that hockey rink is in.  He is looking into putting plastic on the rink to create a better ice surface.  

The Lyme Foundation has given a $3000 grant to the Lyme School for improvement of the school baseball field.  Principal Jeff Valence has requested a written description of the proposed improvements.

Steve Small reported on the soccer, ski and basketball programs.  (See attached)  He will do a 3 yr. cost analysis of all the programs.  

Dina reviewed the budget (See attached)  Steve will review expense items.  

Next meeting Monday, Dec. 10, 2007

Meeting Adjourned   

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Henriques - Secretary