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Recreation Commission Minutes 2007/10/15

Lyme Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 15, 2007

Attendees:  Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Pete Mulvihill, Bob Couture, Tor Tosteson, Kathleen Henriques.  Scout Wallace observed the meeting for his Social Studies class.

Dina opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  The September 27th meeting minutes were approved.

Chase Beach and Ball Field
Dina reported that the Selectmen had approved $3500 for Phase I of the Pathways Consulting LLC Topical Survey.  Dina will ask Rod to produce a written estimate of the cost to build/repair Chase field so the Rec. Com. will have a document to take to Town Meeting.

It was noted that release of the monies in the “designated fund” account can be approved by the Selectmen and does not need town approval.  This is due to the way in which the money was handled when the former Recreation Committee was dissolved and the present Recreation Commission was formed.

Dina reported that the town Highway Dept. has brought in fill to the beach lawn areas to level the potholes.  Those areas will be reseeded this fall.

Dina informed the Commission that by the first week of December Pathways Consulting LLC needs to submit to us a ‘hard’ estimate of the cost to repair the field so the Commission can present it to the Selectmen for the Town Budget.

It was agreed that the beach and field situation has been exacerbated these past three years.  Dina noted that in looking back at past town records, it was never noted that it was increased pond water level which caused flooding.  It was the threat of Trout Brook overflowing prior to the berm being built.  In years past the beaver dams were invaded and the pond was not harmed.

There was much discussion about the ‘official’ level of Post Pond and it was determined that different parties are relying on different documents.  The Natural Resources Inventory Study is recommending a 2’-2’6” water level.  The State Dam Committee has set a 3’ water level.  The Conservation Commission has the authority to adhere to a 3’ level; however, they also have the authority to change the level.

Cooch asked if the Conservation Commission was given the authority to regulate the pond water level and if the Selectmen can take the authority back.  Simon responded that the authority may be thrown back into the Selectmen’s laps due to the Selectmen having usurped the Commission’s authority.

Simon noted that he believes the only way in which to legally set a definite pond water level is through a law suit.  The question was raised as to whether the Conservation Commission can sue the town and if so on what charges.  All other avenues will be investigated to avoid legal action.

There was discussion as to whether or not trapping could occur on the Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary.  Cooch noted that if a land owner who abuts the Pond is experiencing beaver menace issues, he can privately hire a trapper.  The Selectmen have given permission to the DOT to trap beaver in Trout Brook and the Trout Brook is threatening Rt. 10.

It was agreed that the Recreation Commission will attend the Conservation Commission’s meeting on November 5th to do the following:
1)      Hear what they perceive as solutions to the beach and field flooding issues
2)      Express our need to have pond level set at 2’ so the town’s recreation areas are useable.  It has been observed this year that a 2’6” pond level floods both the beach and fields with minor precipitation.
3)      Acknowledge that the Conservation Commission has a policy to follow and note that it is imperative the Recreation Commission be a part of this policy to ensure year-round use of Lyme’s recreation areas.
4)      Present the following resolution:

Resolution by the Recreation Commission

Whereas the~townspeople of Lyme at their~last~formal Town Meeting asked the Selectmen and~the Recreation Commission to~address the dismal conditions of the beach and recreational area at Post Pond.~~Whereas in~response, and with the support of the Selectmen, the Recreation Commission engaged Pathways Consulting LLC to prepare a cost estimate, engineering drawings and the permitting assistance for an upgrade to the Chase Beach area and the~John Balch Ball Field.~ While Pathway's report is not yet complete, it is the sentiment of the~Recreation Commission that there~is a direct relationship between the probable cost of that upgrade to the Post Pond recreational area and the sustained~water level maintained at the Pond.~~Whereas~it has been duly noted by the Recreation Commission that the surface conditions at~Chase Beach and~at the~John Balch Ball field have been routinely flooded or damp during the last few years when the water level of the Pond has been maintained at higher levels than in the past. More specifically, in this latest summer and fall when the water level~of the Pond has been maintained at 2.5 to 3.0 feet (based on the mean high stake measure at the boat landing), conditions at both~the Chase Beach and~at the John Balch Ball field have significantly compromised recreation.~ Whereas the Recreation Commission feels that it is its duty to be mindful of the express sentiment~voiced~by the Town at its last Town Meeting~and moreover since the Recreation Commission wishes~to propose an upgrade to the Post Pond recreational area which the Town will find affordable, it is thus resolved that the Recreation Commission formally request that the Conservation Commission undertake a sincere effort to lower the targeted water level of Post Pond to 2.0 feet or lower (as measured from the mean high water mark at the boat landing) from its current level of between 2.5 and 3.0 feet.~~~

Additional Business
The Recreation Commission will attend the Conservation Commission’s meeting on Nov. 5th.  Dina will ask Rod of Pathways to attend the meeting as well.

Simon noted that the Rec. Com. needs to define a budget.

At the end of the soccer season, Pete will aerate and reseed the field.

At our next meeting the Commission will discuss which sports/teams will use the Crossroads fields.

Next meeting:  November 12th 7:00pm.    The meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Henriques - Secretary