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Recreation Commission Minutes 2007/09/24
Lyme Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
Lyme Center Academy Building
September, 24, 2007

Attendees:  Members - Dina Cutting, Simon Carr, Kathleen Henriques, Tor Tosteson, Steve Small; Guests - Tom Yurkosky, Pete Mulvihill,  Bob Couture

Dina opened the meeting at 7:00pm and introduced guests Tom Yurkosky, Pete Mulvihill and Bob Couture.  

Kathleen Henriques was nominated and approved as Secretary.  Tom, Pete and Bob agreed to be alternates to the Commission.  In the event a member could not be present, an alternate could step in and provide a quorum.

The Commission approved the request by Lyme Nursery School and After K Program to have a bake sale on the Town Green during the Pumpkin Festival.  

Steve Small submitted his report.  See attached.

Budget Report & Review
Dina reviewed the budget stating that to date there is a $2152.51 deficit which is consistent with previous years.  There is little concern as by year-end other school sports programs will have submitted fees and the deficit will be erased.

There exists an Improvement of Field Account which currently has a balance of  $11,889.73 (not including 2007 interest).  This account was created by the old Recreation Committee and consists of  private funds to be used solely for new fields or to improve existing fields.  Town Meeting vote is required to utilize this account.  Using these funds would not appear as an expense in the town budget.  It would be placed as a separate Warrant article.

Dina clarified that the Rec. Commission’s budget operates on a revolving fund which is separate from the Improvement of Field Acct.

Chase Beach Area Water Level
The discussion was let by Dina and Simon.  Simon mentioned that the Selectmen are very receptive to the importance of the beach and field situation and that the Town is preparing to fill in the pot holes in the beach area lawn.  There was discussion about new sand.  There is a State of New Hampshire limit on the size of a beach on a freshwater pond.  Currently, Chase Beach exceeds that limit.  It was questioned whether there are other local freshwater ponds with larger beaches.  The cost of new sand will be a budget item as the town will have spent money filling and seeding the beach lawn area.

It was reported that the Conservation Commission has lowered the beaver dam pipe.  Pete reported that today the water level was 2’6”.  The pipes are allowed to lower the water level to 2’.  It has been suggested to add another pipe.  Pete stated that the 12” pipe set with a center @ 2’6” needs to be lowered as after a minimal rain storm last night, there is standing water at the lifeguard stand and shed.  It is taking days for the pipes to lower the water level and the field is flooding after minimal rain.  Dina will speak with Matt  (?) at the Conservation Commission to breach the dam.

John Balch Ball Field
Dina presented the estimated cost for the engineering design/permit plan for the improvement of the ball fields.  The estimated Engineering Site Plan is $9500; EPA, storm, and site specific permits are $2000.  Complete Engineering Plan which could be used for a contractor estimate will cost $11,500.

Pete suggested that we ask Pathways to split the plan into three parts:  1) Non-binding construction cost estimate.  2) Detailed engineering plans.  3) Permitting fees and cost of support through permitting process. Although Dina stated she was reluctant to present anything not concrete to the Budget Committee, she will ask Rod at Pathways to redraft his engineering plan into three parts as Pete suggested.

The Commission asked Simon to ask the Selectmen to look into finding some funds to improve the fields.  Although Simon agreed to look into the town budget, he cautioned that he was not optimistic as the April storms depleted the budget.  Dina will find out what is left in the “Beach Budget”.  It was also suggested that the Commission request the Selectmen release the Field Fund Funds although it may need a Warrant Article.

School/Town Baseball/Softball Fields  
Tom opened discussion on improving the school baseball field.  The infield needs to be skinned and requires more sand.  If the town employees can skin the field and replace the fill then the only cost to the town is $2500 to purchase and deliver the sand.  The trees along the first base property line need to be trimmed.  Tom will get volunteers to help trim the trees.  Although the scoreboard needs improvement, a town permit may be required and the request needs to come from the School Board.  When these minor improvements are completed, the school field will fit the Little League field requirements.  The Post Pond field is in need of some minor repairs.  Dina mentioned the Lyme softball team is very receptive to helping improve the field. The Rec. Commission endorsed Tom’s request to ask the Selectmen for the funding to make the improvements. Simon will present Tom’s requests to the Selectmen.  

Crossroads Fields
Pete presented the Crossroads Field plans.  Pete is coordinating building a soccer and baseball/softball field on the Crossroads site off Shoestrap Road.  There will be a regulation (Little League) field as well as a soccer field.  Upon completion Crossroads is pleased to offer the use of their new fields to the town especially during the time when the town fields are being repaired.

The next meeting is set for 7:00pm on Monday, Oct. 15th ,.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Kathleen Henriques.   

To:     Lyme Rec Commission
From:     Steve Small
Re:     Sept. 2007 Report

Play Soccer:
2 camps, one in July for the older children (9 attendees), one in August (15 attendees) for the younger ones.  Participation was good and raised $508 for the soccer program.

Tennis/Basketball Courts:
Resurfaced by Tom Foote this summer, very good job I might add.  I arranged for job to be done, bill was paid by Paul Killebrew with help from the Lyme Foundation.

Fall Soccer:
The season started right after Labor Day and will go through the end of October with games being played at all levels (grades 1-8) with a “practice” program for the Pre-schoolers.  Financials are below and will likely go negative because of the need to purchase new goals for the 5/6 program which was improved to an 8 vs. 8 format using a smaller field and smaller goals.  We still don not have bills for shirts, paint, cones, flags, etc.  which will be included in the October report.

play soccer camps
Expenses to date:
Play Soccer camps
Soccer Equipment
Total Expenses
Net Income

Ski Program:
Jessica Lahey will be stepping down as commissioner this year, so will be seeking a replacement.

Field Situation:
Pete Mulvihill busy creating a field on Shoestrap road on Crossroads Academy grounds that will be available to Lyme Rec. for use.   Informal meetings with Paul Killebrew, Pete and Tom Yurkowski have been very productive in improving our field situation.  Will verbally report on them at the meeting either directly or with Pete, Tom and Paul.