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Recreation Commission Minutes 2006/05/11
Independence Day Committee
May 11th, 2006
6:30 pm

Present were members: Robert Couture, Dina Cutting, Jim Mayers, JJ Pippin-Finley and Jody Rich.
This year’s plans were reviewed.
1)      Reviewed the note to be sent out on Lyme-list serve.
2)      Parade permit-done, Chief Field sent in
3)      Fire works permit-done, Dina sent in
4)      This year’s budget is $8,300.00. We requested close to the amount in the account.
5)      Safety zone can be smaller this year. Largest firework is 4”. _________
6)      Fire Department: will give them a list of “to does”, Chief Hinsley and the fire department are ready to do what ever the Committee needs. Dina will get list to Chief Hinsley and copy Chief Field.
7)      Signs: Signs for boat landing closed all day will be put in Lyme Country Store, Mascoma and Ledyard banks, Lyme and Lyme Center post offices and any other place in town for all to see. (Cutch will do this). Dina will make big ones for the boat landing and put them out at least one week prior to the Fireworks. JJ will take care of the banner for the common.
8)      Parking was discussed: This is a big issue we really need this to be done right. Jim will ask the 8th grade kids for hire group if they are willing to take this on. They will need kids to park, monitor safety zone with in the parking area, adults to be present and help, and to work with Chief Field. Jim will have the person in charge of the “kids for hire” contact Chief Field to go over everything. The kids will receive a donation for their efforts.
9)      Jim and Cutch are in charge of getting the freezer for the chicken storage. Jodie will put an e-mail out looking for wood. JJ will gather information on the cost to build our own grills. Cutch will talk to Donald and Don about the barrels they have for this project.
10)     Set up and clean up: This is always a big job. Need more help. We will set a time for the tables and chairs to be moved from the church. Cutch will get extra trash barrels from Time Estes.
11)     Jim and Cutch are in charge of parking the Lyme Town Band.
12)     Dina will let all entertainment know when they are on! 6:30-7:00 Valley Cords. 7:00-8:30 Dan Fiehofer and the guys. 8:30-the fireworks Lyme Town Band. This is a tentative schedule.
13)     Tom Fawley is in charge of lining up the parade.
14)     The Safety zone was discussed again. It was difficult to keep people out of the safety zone last year, the parking lot and the volley ball area are to tempting. Brian Rich will get some fencing for the area at the beach. This will keep people out better than stakes and ribbon. The 8th graders and parents will be asked to monitor the people after they park their cars. Maybe posting people along the fence line at the edge of the parking lot is the trick……
15)     Next meeting is June 9th, 2006 @ 6:30. JJ’s house will be the spot.
Respectfully submitted, Dina Cutting