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Recreation Commission Minutes 2005/06/06
Independence Day Committee
June 6th, 2005
6:30 pm

Present were members: Robert Couture, Dina Cutting, Jim Mayers, JJ Pippin-Finley and Jody Rich.
This year’s plans were reviewed.
Fire Works Company has taken care of the permit and has been paid for this years show. We pay in February in order to receive 10% fire works for the show.

1) Parade: The permit has been filled out and sent in. Line up using Lyme Software parking lot, Market Street and the Common, same as last year. The parade route will be the same also. The parade will go around the common only once again. The State allows for the interruption of traffic for only 10 minutes. Chief Field has informed Dina she would not need anyone for the traffic control of the parade this year. The Parade will start at 5:00 pm; advertise for all to be there ready to line up at 4:45.
We really need a head person for the parade, it would be great to find someone to line people up and lead the parade (grand marshal) Don Elder was suggested. Jody will talk to him about this.

2) Parking at Post Pond: The boat landing will be blocked off early in the morning again this year. This worked really well last year, other than the people who kept trying to enter around the signs and saw horses. We need to address the pedestrian traffic also. People can not enter on foot by the boat landing this is the safety zone. It was mentioned that the Selectmen supported the Independence Day Committee getting any help they needed from the police department with this issue. Jody will discuss this issue with Chief Field to see if we can get some uniformed officers to stand at this opening to make people park their cars in the ball field and to direct pedestrians to the ball field entrance.

We discussed the need for the following help:
        1 officer at the boat landing
                1 officer to walk around in the field to assist with parking
                1 officer to stand at entrance of ball field for traffic.

Dina will contact Fred Philips and or Doug Gerhard to see if the boy scouts can assist with parking cars. Chief Field brought some students last year for community service. We will check with her to see if we have any other community service students this year.

Need to find 1 or 2 adults to help with the parking on the ball field.

3) The extra port a potty has been ordered and they will service the one that is there so it is clean for Sunday beach people.

4) Following check list:  
* Cookers- all set
                        * Servers- need more
                        * pie and salad makers- need more
* Clean up people- need a few good people to go around during the event to empty trash.
                        * Need to find a couple of people to take donations at the gate.
We could ask Steve Rich and Paula Palmeroy.

5) Tables and chairs from Church: Dina will organize help getting and setting up. We will load that night and return(who ever is hanging around).

6) The tent will come from Those guys, tables and chairs from Church, Valley Cords will sing, Lyme Town Band will play for parade and out at the pond, these listed groups understand that if we have a bad year and do not make any money we do not give them a donation. The committee is thank full for their understanding of this arrangement.
The town voted to allow the committee to spend up to $7,300.00 for this event. As of December 2004 the Independence Day fund had $7,398.39 in it.

7) Dan Feihofer has been asked to play with his band; he will get back to us about their availability.

8) Glow sticks, ice cream, soda will all be sold after the meal.

9) JJ will be pricing chicken and what ever is needed for the meal. We will not advertise a meal price until we see if we need to increase the meal amount. The committee felt this was not that important.

The committee did not set another meeting. If something comes up and it is needed we will arrange it. Other wise on with the show.

Respectfully submitted,

Dina Cutting