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Recreation Commission Minutes 2005/05/23
MAY 23, 2005 MINUTES
Present: Tor Tosteson, Cathy Cramer, Kathleen Henriques, Kerry Beck, Richard Jones,
Steve Small
· March minutes were approved by unanimous vote
· Academy yoga class proposal was reviewed. Commission endorsed request to offer a second yoga class as presented by letter. Thank you Stephanie for your written proposal.
· Pete Mulvihill presented proposal for a permanent beam at Chase Beach parking area. Discussion took place regarding permanency of beam would improve aesthetics of parking area as well as decrease amount of annual work needed to set up ice rink in parking area. It was noted ice rink has been by all input received a very positive, much utilized resource. Issue regarding need to allow space for emergency access was raised. Pete will next talk with Bill to discuss potential issues of maintenance with permanent berm. Pete will also talk with Dina regarding emergency access and selectmen Judy and Pete. The commission endorsed this proposal unanimously.
· Steve presented monthly recreation director report:
-baseball is going very well
-Play Soccer Camp forms will be going out to Lyme and Crossroad students on Thursday
-Six girls signed up at this time for summer basketball camp
· Reviewed updates to programs posted on web page
· Bylaws were discussed; commission recommends change to bylaw requesting groups of 15 or more to obtain written permission from Selectmen instead of commission
· Discussion took place regarding the need for sign ups for adult programs; specifically adult programs in Lyme that have no liaison with the recreation commission continue to be a concern
· Members will review bylaws prior to next meeting; assess which are consistent with function of commission versus a function of selectmen.
· Next meeting is fourth Monday of June; 7pm, Academy Building